Live on the inside with Kim O’Neill

Hello again; This is the latest in my “Live On The Inside” posts where I share my most recent interviews.

Growing up in the carnival business I’ve listened to many talented side-show barkers crying to come see it live on the inside.

And it’s a way to remind myself of my carnival roots. It’s important to always remember where you came from or the journey loses its value.

This time I’m sharing a wonderful Face Book Live interview that I did with my friend Kim O’Neill.

Her show is called Rise & Shine, Creating 2020 Vision.

With the title obviously using the word vision to refer to clarity rather than vision.

And since many people say I see things far more clearly than those who have 2020 eyesight, it was only natural that Kim wanted me on the show.

Watch or listen here;

Please do let me know how I’m doing so far.

About Kim

I’m a former Crime Analyst turned Transformational Confidence Coach, as well as Host of the Every Day is a New Day Show.

I take a holistic approach in coaching people to heal from their past and embrace who they are, so they can confidently and triumphantly move forward.

Making these shifts will support you in being able to feel strong, powerful and ultimately love yourself and your life more.

I help you see your strengths more clearly, and teach you how to understand the informational value of your emotions and intuition.

I support you in shifting perspective and taking brave, bold steps forward.

I have been certified in the following: ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC); Certified Law of Attraction Coach; Reiki Master Practitioner; Infinite Possibilities Trainer; and Spontaneous Transformation Practitioner.

Personally, I have always known I am a passionate, purpose-driven soul who wanted to both help people, as well as have an outlet for creative expression.

For many years, however, I allowed my head (and “society”) dictate how I went about achieving that (without realizing it). Along the way, however, I learned it’s been my emotions that were running the show all along – and not fully understanding their informational value is what “slowed” me down.

The good thing … is what we resist persists. And what exists, can be processed and transmuted … Or … eventually erupts, becomes a massive puddle of once-stuffed-down emotions, and won’t go away until we FINALLY take time to process them.

Whew! For me, taking time to shift negative self-talk and release old hurt, expectations of others and fears of abandonment and more were all part of the process for me to be able to see myself and my life more clearly., so that I could move forward.

Professionally, as a former Crime Analyst, I learned what it means to take a leap of faith and say a bigger yes to my professional dreams of coaching, energy healing and show hosting.

I also learned how to embrace my spiritual self and work with my energy, despite being surrounded by an abundance of Type-A personalities and emphasis on “practicality.”

Through my personal experience and professional training, I am the logical choice for supporting you in knowing and embracing who you truly are; what you desire; shifting energies; and taking action to experience new possibilities.

I have made several of my own career transitions in the last 20 years, and while some have been scary, every one has been worth it. From Registered Dental Assistant to Human Resources Coordinator, from Voiceover Artist to Crime Analyst … to Empowerment Coach, Reiki Master and Show Host.

I mean it when I say – There’s NOTHING you can’t do.

I didn’t get here in one full swoop, however. There have been many detours, and I’ve learned how to extract the lesson from every situation.

I’m often seen as an optimist, upbeat and bubbly – and that is the real me.

You know what’s also real?

I used to struggle with negative self talk in such a big way, I was suicidal – more than once (oh how that has NOT been easy to tell people, but it gets easier each time.)

I had an absent father which absolutely factored into my relationships with men, as well as my own self worth (little did I know)
I got married and divorced in my early 20s – oh the hell … and the healing

I put myself through college and am absolutely a strong, independent woman … who now knows how to ask for help
I’ve struggled with learning to love my body my whole life … and I’m finally getting there

It was in 2008 when my world shattered more than it ever had up to that point, that I was grasping for straws – for something or someone to come and save me.

With hindsight being 20:20, I eventually came to realize that was part of my “awakening.” When you don’t have a stable inner foundation, anything can take you down – leaving you primed to rediscover and step into who you truly are, more than you may have ever before.

It’s not about where you are now, it’s about where you choose to go next.

It’s about what you choose to think and believe is possible for you, and what you choose to focus on.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Do you know where your focus is?

Whatever is going on in your world right now, I applaud you for being brave enough to take action and consider the possibility that there is still SO MUCH MORE to come for you.

You don’t have to settle for a life or career you don’t love. Take time to care for you, and know that YOU are amazing.

I will always believe this about you, even if you don’t – yet.

I look forward to walking side-by-side with you on your journey forward.

Never give up. Keep going. It gets better. 😉

I appreciate your continued support. I hope you are staying safe my friends. Until next time take care out there, Max

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