
This song exemplifies who I am and what you can expect me to talk about.

Simply if I can do it, then what’s their excuse.

I will share about how I managed to accomplish so many difficult challenging scary goals through three key principles.

  1. By asking for help or opportunities and accepting them when offered.
  2. By deciding to find and implement solutions instead of making excuses.
  3. By being determined to seek out and find the positive in all aspects of my life.

Past Talks

Past Talks

Nepris Industry Talk

Advancing Your Career through Community Building,

and by Asking for Help

Pod Fest Expo 2019

Pecha Kucha Track

Interdependence verses independence

The value of asking for help and accepting help when offered.

Visually Impaired People f Southeast Texas

Title: Overcoming Adversity and Living Life

Word Camp New York City 2018

Title: Just Press Send,

Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams.

I’d like to mention that I gave this talk in spite of having a horrible cold that caused me to be unable to speak during the week. But you can tell I delivered in the moment.

At the time I was also having money issues and didn’t know where I was going to sleep the night after this talk.

MAPCON, Mid-Atlantic Podcasters Conference 2018

Titled: When you don’t have your own audience,

borrow someone else’s.

I explained the value of using interviews on podcasts, radio shows, and virtual summits to grow the audience for a new show.

I’m especially proud of this one because I gave it in spite of some personal setbacks.

My luggage was lost, so I was forced to spend the weekend in a stail pair of jeans and a conference t-shirt.

People said you couldn’t tell it at all. This made me very proud. As it was the perfect way for me to live my talk both on and off of the stage.

Foundation Fighting Blindness

This talk was for the Houston chapter.
Title: Life Is Like A River,
Overcoming Adversity And Moving Forward.

They wanted an inspirational, feel good speaker to break up the program, and I more than delivered.
I’m especially proud of this talk because an amber alert went off just as I was about to step behind the mike, and it didn’t effect me or my delivery in the slightest.

Dreamcon 2017

This was my first public talk.
Title: Just Press Send,
Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Your Dreams.

I did very well for my first time behind the microphone.
It was a conference for people with dreams seeking motivation to take action towards accomplishing those goals and dreams.


Stacy Chillemi

“Maxwell Ivey is a guest speaker that you won’t soon forget.
His keynote talk was engaging, informative, and highly entertaining!
He has an amazing ability to connect with his audience in a way that makes everyone feel like they are part of the conversation.
Maxwell’s experience as a former carnival owner and current award-winning author, motivational speaker, and accessibility expert gave him unique insights.
His discussions on Life is a River: Overcoming Adversity by Continuing To Move Forward was invaluable.
Maxwell is an excellent speaker with great communication skills who can help you move forward by being more inclusive of people with disabilities.

Website: www.staceychillemi.com


Dave Jackson

Dave is a podcasting legend who has launched or help launch over a thousand shows in his career. He is also a veteran of public speaking. And he graciously shared the mic with me at Pod Fest Expo in 2020
You can contact him through www.schoolofpodcasting.com

Joe Pardo aka Super Joe

Max may not be able to see with his eyes but his ability to open other people’s eyes is incredible.
I have learned so much from him not only from his talks, but being around him before and after he spoke at my conferences.
You need to have Max as a speaker at your next event!
Joe Pardo

Foundation Fighting Blindness

Houston Texas Chapter

We recently had Maxwell Ivey speak at our Foundation Fighting Blindness Houston Chapter Save Sight Speaker Series.
Not only was he well received by the audience he was easy to work with, personable and spent extra time listening to the other speakers and interacting with our chapter members.
His courageousness and impactful stories were amazing. Many of our participants felt connected to Maxwell and appreciated his honesty as someone living with a visual impairment.
Maxwell delivered one of the best talks that our audience has ever heard. Full of entertainment and mind altering knowledge helped set the stage to a really successful speaker series.
We hope to work with him again!

Naomi Panarella, Vice President, Houston Chapter

Foundation Fighting Blindness

Alex Sanfilippo

Alex recorded this after having seen me give a talk at Pod Fest Expo 2020. The goal of my talk was to challenge aspiring and new podcasters to face their fears, overcome their obstacles, and launch their podcast.
Alex is an accomplished public speaker with years of experience in corporate communication as well as speaking from the stage.
You can contact Alex at www.creatingabrand.com

Staci Greenberg

“I have heard Max speak and he is not only inspiring but generously peppers his talk with humor and does so with a genuine nature.

Hiring Maxwell Ivey Jr. as a speaker for your next event is a smart move! ”

Staci L. Greenberg


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please schedule an appointment here?

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