Music and motivation doing whatever it takes

Hello again;

I know it’s been a while since I posted the last video in my music and motivation series.

Especially after my video Asking for help was so well received.

I still hope to someday perform these songs, tell these stories, and share these life lessons in person.

Why Haven’t I done It Yet?

The honest answer is I’m scared.

I know most of you think of me as a natural speaker.

You see me as someone who is fearless and who always just does the next thing in front of him no matter how scary it might be for others.

And most of the time that is true.

It’s true because I focus in on the task at hand. As my good friend Amy Star-Allen says I’m on mission.

That plus I have learned the big lesson over the years that every experience has value and is meant to be savored.

Even a horrible disaster can be fuel for bigger accomplishment in the future by forcing you to take a hard look at yourself.

And as a blogger and podcaster failures can make great content. Especially if you have a record of bouncing back from setbacks.

But this whole idea of singing and talking in person shakes me all the way down to my boots if I actually owned a pair of boots. 🙂

New To Singing In Public

Part of it is because it hasn’t been very long since I got the confidence to start singing in public.

See the post Why I Sing And How I Can Help You Free The Song In Your Own Heart

And it wasn’t until after singing for the other speakers after I spoke at an event called Dreamcon that I was encouraged to make singing part of my public speaking brand.

So for a variety of reasons the idea of doing a presentation where I sing and talk by myself has my stomach all tied up in knots.

In fact I was more nervous while uploading this video than I was thinking about what I’m going to say to the people at the meeting of the Houston Council for the Blind later today.

It’s a block, and I know I will get past it eventually.

Where Would Be Best?

I have actually reached out to a couple of people about a venue to try this crazy idea out at.

One of them is here in Houston, and one would be on the road.

Not sure which way would be more nerve racking.

At home you have the benefit of knowing there will be some friendly faces or voices in the audience.

But you also have the fact that if you stink it up they may not be willing to tell you so.

ON the road you have the advantage of anonymity.

But you have the added fear of what if no one shows.

Plus if done away from home there will be the added costs of renting a place and staying there for an extra day.

Me personally, I think I’d like to find something that is a little of both.

Perhaps I can find a road venue where some of my online friends will live close enough by to come support me and tell me it will be okay.

Music and Motivation Whatever It Takes

I hope you liked the video.

Believe In Sharing Fears

Now, I know there are some people who believe that by being this honest I could be turning off potential clients.

And maybe they are right. Maybe I need to share less or couch my thoughts and experiences in more positive terms.

And maybe someday I’ll learn to do that.

But for now I have to go with my gut.

I believe that I can help far more people by letting them know that the brave, fearless, courageous Blind Blogger does get scared.

The difference is when I get scared I almost always do it anyway.

Sometimes it may take me a little longer than I planned.

Often I have to ask for help to make it happen.

But I usually get there.

Hope you enjoy the video. And please let me know if you want me to give a performance of it in your home town. Thanks, Max

I really do treasure your interest in and support of my journey.

I couldn’t do it without you.

Thanks, God bless you, and take care out there, Max

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