What I learned about myself from my first ebook

Hello again; This week I’m here to share something very exciting and to ask for your help. Some of you may have heard that I have been working on my first ebook. It will be a short motivational one that I plan to expand upon later. On Friday I sent it to my editor the very talented Lorraine Reguly of Wording Well. She told me that she should have it ready to publish in about two weeks. However, this isn’t the end. I still need to choose a book cover image, set a price, and decide upon whether or not to offer it free to subscribers. And this is where I will need your help.

Some background

I always like to start with a little background, so first I’ll tell you how this all came about. A while back I left a comment on a post at Eve Koivula’s site. The post was about creating online products, and I had asked for suggestions on creating your first one. She was good enough to write back and offer to work with me. She even sent me a copy of her recently released ebook hoping it would help me focus on my target audience and their needs.

Later, she asked me if I wanted to participate in an online summit. She said that if I did I would need to have a product ready in time to offer it to the viewers. She also informed me that I would need to have an email auto responder by then. This is why I signed up with aweber. At first I thought about saying no because the deadline was coming up very fast by then. But Eve explained that it didn’t have to be a huge deal especially for my first effort.

So, I decided to go for it hoping I could meet the deadline. I started writing the book and had about half of it done when she informed me that they had decided to make it an all female event. I didn’t have a problem with this as I understand the value of inviting people who can put buts in front of the screens. But you know me I believe in finding the good in anything. I decided that it was way past time for me to create an online product of my own. So, I kept working on it.

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