Hello again; Well, I hate to be one of those people who only seems to have one subject. You know those people who every time you meet them or read one of their posts they have nothing else to talk about. In this case I am working towards my first ever ebook and there are a lot of decisions yet to be made. I want to thank you all for helping me out so much. I have made a few decisions, and I still need more help.
Chosen a price
First, I have settled on a price I have decided to go with $14.95. That seems to be the consensus of what would be the highest someone should charge for a first ebook. I have heard from several people who say that I can raise the price later if I feel like I have earned enough recognition to do so. I have also been told that I could start the book out at free and have it go up to my price after the first week. I think I want to start with my price from the beginning, so as soon as all the editing is done; that is what I will be doing.