What’s Your Excuse? EP 070 Kevin Lowe

Hello again, I hope your week is going well so far.

This time on What’s Your Excuse? I’m honored to be speaking with The host of The Lowe Down Kevin Lowe.

This interview happened as a result of my reaching out to be a guest on his podcast.

I will share that wonderful interview with you in the very near future.

If you want to know how I get on so many podcasts, or if you want to hire me to get you booked; then please schedule a call via my scheduling link.

Kevin lost his vision suddenly after having surgery to remove a brain tumor.

He talks about how he was able to recover from this over time and even thrive through the help of his family and his faith.

He shares about how mistakes, disasters, and failures are all part of our becoming the person we were meant to become.

And he firmly believes that we are all stronger and more capable than we believe we are.

We had a great conversation about the misconceptions about the visually impaired common among sighted people.

I know you are going to enjoy hearing from Kevin and learn a lot because I was reinvigorated myself listening to our conversation in preparation for writing this post.

Things You Should Know

One, this podcast is unedited. I refer to it as recorded live.

Two, I sing on the intro. It helps me get started, and my regular followers love it.

Now On To The Show

Please Visit My Sponsor

I couldn’t continue to operate the podcast, the WYE Network, or the shows on it without the continued financial and technical support from the fine people at blubrry.com

If you are thinking of starting a new podcast, or if you are unhappy with your current hosting provide; you can do no better than Blubrry.

And while they are not a sponsor I have personally benefitted from the CBD products sold by crystalcreekorganics.com

If you use these products, or if you would just like more information; I hope you will use my affiliate link.

About Kevin

He believes everything in this life happens for a reason, and a good reason at that. And this is true, even after losing his ability to see.

Fueled by a strong desire to ignite a sense of hope and optimism into the world, Kevin sets out to inspire others to not give up on life, even when it seems like life has given up on them.

Ever since waking to find a world gone dark, Kevin has been inspiring and encouraging people of all walks of life by sharing his own story of rediscovering light, even in the midst of the dark.

At just 17 years old Kevin was left completely blind.
Today, Kevin continues to spread this same sense of inspiration and encouragement as both a Life Coach and host of his own podcast, The Lowe Down with Kevin Lowe.

Kevin has come to realize that if he can help even just one person by sharing his own life’s experience with, then perhaps all that he has been through will have been worth it.

Connect With Kevin

Website: www.TheLoweDownWithKevinLowe.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/thelowedownwithkevinlowe

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/thelowedownwithkevinlowe

Twitter: www.twitter.com/lowedownmedia

Instagram: www.instagram.com/thelowedownwithkevinlowe

Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVLrzBFWyl5ZsPaLEyzqkQ

This is one of my more favorite conversations.

Me and Kevin laughed a lot, and he retaught me some important lessons.

I know you will learn a lot about how we both manage to live successful fulfilled lives in different ways.

And hopefully together we have helped you start to find your own unique way.

Please do share this post or the links with your friends, family, and coworkers.

It’s the best way I know to thank Kevin and all my guests for giving of their time and energies.

And a 5 star rating or review on my podcast wouldn’t hurt either.

I look forward to hearing your comments on this truly great conversation.

Until next time take care out there, Max

1 thought on “What’s Your Excuse? EP 070 Kevin Lowe”

  1. Hi Max,

    Kevin sounds like he has an inspiring story. Turning difficult situations into victories happens when we develop a growth mindset. Instead of letting fear hold you back you glide through the discomfort to learn about yourself and your mind. Great inspiration as always my friend.



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