What’s Your Excuse? EP 068 Charlene Norman

Hello again; I hope you have had a good week so far.

This week on What’s Your Excuse? I’m blessed to be able to speak with Charlene Norman.

She shared about how she recovered from streptococcal meningitis that caused two seizures, two strokes, and left her in a coma for a week.

Prior to this event in 2015 she was a very successful international business woman at the highest levels of the corporate world.

She shared about how being thankful for being better off than many of the others in the same hospital allowed her to keep a positive attitude.

She talked about how deciding to make those other people feel better gave her a sense of purpose and made her feel better about herself.

She talked about how technology has changed but people haven’t. And I was happy to hear that she agrees with me that for the most part people are generally good at heart.

My favorite was when she talked about exchanging services so that you can do more of what you love and less of what you don’t enjoy.

And she followed that up by talking about how we can compete more effectively when we combine services.

I found her very open, honest, and authentic. And she has been very generous with suggestions for my business since recording this conversation.

I just know you are going to learn a lot from her.

Now On To The Show

Please Visit My Sponsors

I’m so thankful to blubrry.com for their support of my podcast, and the What’s Your Excuse? Network.

I couldn’t do this without their financial and technical support. So, if you are thinking of starting a podcast, I hope you will check them out.

While they aren’t an official sponsor, I have benefitted personally from the CBD sold by crystalcreekorganics.com

About Charlene

Charlene is the Chief Empathy Officer and Truth Teller with a dexterity of the ultimate trifecta: change, business success and personal transformation.

She uses her 360-degree view of business, adds in decades of leading companies through ever-changing dynamics, and harnesses her ability to make people and processes more effective.

Then, by wrapping those power skills with a deep understanding of engaging the power of the human brain, she is steadfast in guiding business owners committed to their hopes and dreams of growing BIG and leaving a lasting legacy.

Charlene has always believed in breaking the past barriers and is part of the new frontier pushing the boundaries for the future.

She knows 3 THINGS:

(1) Business is not nearly as complicated as it seems.

(2) Making money and making an impact on the world is one and the same.

And (3) all business starts and ends with people.

Connect With Charlene

Website: www.bulletproofyourbusinessnow.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/charlene.norman.351

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/canorman

Twitter: www.twitter.com/CharleneNorman

I do hope you learned a lot from our conversation.

Please help me thank Charlene by visiting her website and by connecting with her on social media.

If you were entertained or inspired by my podcast, please leave a rating and review wherever you listen.

I appreciate your continued support of me and my show. I couldn’t do it without you.

Stay safe out there, Max

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