Just Keep Singing bad karaoke teaches an important lesson

Hello again;

I’m always up for new experiences. Especially those that challenge my comfort zone without being actually dangerous.

And I love to sing. I have been blessed to be asked to sing during podcast interviews. And I now sing on my own podcast and during my public speaking opportunities.

So, I was very happy to hear that there would be a karaoke night at PodFestExpo last week.

I went there to speak to newbie podcasters and encourage them. to face their fears, overcome their obstacles, and launch their podcasts.

I spoke on Friday. The audience was very attentive listening to my stories and laughing at the funny parts.

I got a standing ovation and was feeling pretty good about myself.

My talk done, the whole rest of the weekend was mine. My plan was to learn from other podcasters in the workshops and at the keynote addresses. I was also looking forward to making a lot of new friends.

I went to the VIP meet ups and parties. It was at one of these where they had the karaoke set up.

Earlier in the week I had been confident about singing karaoke. I had mentioned that I loved country and hoped they would have some Garth Brooks music.

But on the night of the event I got a little nervous. Unlike most karaoke parties they had a real stage. It was the one used during the keynote talks.

Their system also used a smartphone app. I was sure the app wouldn’t be accessible, and was prepared to use that as an excuse not to sing.

Yes the No Excuses guy was making excuses in his own head. lol

Thankfully, I was sitting at table with a brave young woman who encouraged me to give it a try.
And when she offered to help find me a song and put my name into the app, I couldn’t say no.

So with The River and Rodeo both by Garth Brooks loaded into the system, I sat there and waited my turn.

I had some great conversations with Jennifer Longworth and with William Howell.

Eventually, it would be my turn. and at that moment Jennifer hadn’t returned from the bathroom and Billy was ousted taking a break from the noise. So, I was lead up on to the stage by a total stranger.

Singing acapella and singing karaoke are two different things.

I figured that heck I’ve sung the river dozens maybe even hundreds of times. I’ve sung it on podcast interviews, at the micropHone, and at Niagara Falls.

But the one thing I didn’t realize is in all those other situations I didn’t have to keep time with the music. I also didn’t expect to hear other people singing with me on the audio tracks.

So, I listened to the opening bars and did my best to sing in time with the music.

Bad Experiences Can Teach Great Lessons

It didn’t go well. lol

I’m told I started off bad, got worse in the middle; but finished strong.

I’m happy I attempted singing karaoke, and I will do it again. Although next time I’m taking someone up there with me who can help me keep time with the song.

But I’m proud, really proud, that I didn’t quit.

I kept singing to the end, and got a good round of applause.

Just Keep Singing

But the best part is I have this video proof of me living my talk.

People can watch this video, and think he had to know he was horrible, but he didn’t quit.

He just kept singing.

And in life that’s the most important thing to remember.

In the movie Finding Dori, Dori repeatedly says just keep swimming.

Well, I’m a singer, and I sing.

I sing when I”m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m bored, while making coffee, and while riding in the truck.

So, to me it’s Just Keep Singing.

Now, you can watch the video for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

I’m hoping you will think of something you want to try that could be embarrassing and take courage from my karaoke experience.

What Made Jennifer Inspiring?

Jennifer Longworth and her husband decided they wanted a studio for her to record a podcast in.

Some people would have rented space or modified their garage.

But they decided to invest in a business property which they are slowly turning into a podcasting recording and editing business.

Jennifer has started offering courses on podcasting as a way of growing the clientele for her services.

I’m hopeful to someday get to visit them and to record in their studios.

And if you want to help me thank her for giving me courage you can check out her website and consider working with her.

The name of her business is Bourbon Barrel Podcasting, and you can find out more at https://bourbonbarrelpodcasting.com

This video has received more views on face book and youtube than anything else I’ve shared in several years.

It has gotten some wonderful comments from friends, family, and followers.

Many of them telling me how encouraging it is to see a blind guy trying something that is obviously much more difficult than it would be for sighted people.

Others commenting on my willingness to look like an idiot because I loved what I was doing and wanted to encourage others by taking such a risk.

This video is a perfect example of my saying about how life isn’t the olympics and we have to stop trying to win style points.

I hope this video encourages you to take a risk in your own life.

It doesn’t have to be a big deal to others to be scary to you.

And you will be better for having taken the risk and experienced your moment.

I can’t wait to hear what some of you have recently done that scared you but that you did it anyway.

And you are welcome to include links to videos in your comments just this one time. 🙂

Thanks for your continued love and support.

I couldn’t do this without you. Thanks, and take care out there, Max

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