Live On the inside with Richard Matthews

Hello again;

the blind blogger maxwell ivey interviewed on the hero show with richard matthew

I know it’s been a while since, I wrote one of these posts, so I’ll remind you that these are posts about the podcasts, radio shows, and other interviews that I have done recently.

The name comes from the fact that I grew up in a family of carnival owners, and I can still hear the side show and free act barkers yelling live yes aline on the inside. 🙂

This time I am speaking with Richard Matthews of The Hero Show.

Here is what Richard said about me when introducing my interview.

“Max helps people tell their stories so they can attract new clients and sell more of their products and services. He does this by connecting them with hosts of podcasts, radio shows, and virtual summits. He is also the host of the “What’s Your Excuse?” podcast.”

I’m sure you are going to love yet another inspiring interview.

Richard Matthews

RichardMatthews Logo 1x



The Hero Sow:

I’ll be posting more contact links for him shortly.

I’ll also be adding the link to where you can listen to the audio when I get it.

They are having a little trouble with their Podbeam account right now.

I hope you enjoyed the interview.

We covered a lot of topics, and Richard asked a lot of questions in ways they hadn’t been asked before.

I look forward to hearing your comments. I hope something in it will inspire or motivate you to take some action.

Thanks for your continuing love and support.

I couldn’t do it without you. So, thanks and take care out there, Max

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