What do you do when no one comes?

Hello again;

Max at dog ears books

I just realized that I never shared this experience on here. I wrote it, and I shared it with my email list; but I never posted it to my blog.

I only realized this today when I was writing about my latest book signing and wanted to include a link to this post. Yes, I know you can’t link to a post you never wrote. 🙂

Since this story is critical to your understanding of posts to follow, I’m going to copy it here. I hope it inspires you to overcome setbacks in your own life.

Please remember that these events occurred in May of 2017.

When I suffer a setback, I do two things. First, I find the positives from the experience. Second, I take action in some area to keep from focusing too long on the disappointment.

Yesterday, I had my first ever book signing at Dog Ears Book Store.

Despite all the work done on social media by me and the store’s owner the event was not a success. No one came, and obviously I didn’t sell a single book.

We were beaten out by uncommonly beautiful weather in Buffalo. People chose to spend time out in the sun instead of coming to a book signing.

What was the positive?

Well, I had a great conversation with the store owner and one of his employees. They are both authors, and we talked about the age old choice between being traditionally published or self publishing.

Tom provided me and my guide Debby Basile with some excellent warmed peta bread and hummus.

And when I got home I found two wonderful emails in my inbox.

One was from a gentleman who has been following my blog and told me I was inspiring. He said he wanted to talk to me about doing more in his life. So, I may have a new client for my coaching services.

Second I got an email from Pipe and Thimble.

They operate the Indi only book store that some of you have heard me speak about in southern California.

They are also publishers. Their goal is to give the authors they select the services of a publishing company without the author relinquishing the rights to their work.

They are in deed interested in hosting me for a book signing later this year. They have also suggested the possibility of my doing a no excuses take action workshop.

With much more lead time I believe they will do a much better job of getting the word out my visit to their store. They have also offered to help me with contacting fellow store owners to arrange events prior to and after I spend time with them.

I will let you know the exact dates, but I am hopeful for the week of November 30th.

What did I do?

As for action taken to distract me from my setback and keep moving towards my ultimate goal I recorded some videos.

Well one of these was recorded a couple months ago. The other I recorded this morning after being reminded how powerful my voice can be.

A friend had heard me sing part of One Good Well by Don Williams. She said it would help her if I sent her the audio file to listen to. She is grieving over having to cut off life support to a family member.

I was shocked to find out that my simple version of a favorite song could comfort someone going through something so tragic.

It got me off my but and got me moving.

I’ve talked about offering a talk called music and motivation. Its something I’ve thought about for a while but done nothing.

I even recorded a first video a while back as mentioned above. My friend’s request got me moving. I uploaded that file to youtube as a private video so I could share it with friends and get feedback.

Then I recorded and uploaded part two a segment on asking for help something I’m great at and that I believe in.

Because when it comes right down to it I love to sing. People enjoy my singing. And sharing my voice may help open their hearts and minds to my words.

Something I should Have Done

I mentioned in the beginning that this post was written last summer. SO, I apologize for the disjointed way of telling the story.

However, I’ve since realized I missed an opportunity.

I should have offered to sign a copy for the store owner. I should have offered to leave copies of my books with him on consignment. I should have interviewed him for my podcast or for a future blog post.

Where did I get these ideas from? Well, I got them from Tom the owner or manager. As Dog Ears is a community book store.

He called me last winter and said hey Max people are starting to show interest in you and your books. He went on to say they are asking about you. He requested that I send him some copies to sell in the store.

So, while I like to believe I’m great at finding the positive in every situation. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed. with the turn out even if I didn’t admit it to myself at the time.

Trust me a former carnie and showman who misses an opportunity to promote himself is disgusted or at least distracted. 🙂

But I learned my lesson. And I’m determined not to let future setbacks keep me from seeing opportunities to share my story and build my brand.

Because in truth there are always things we can do to move forward. There are almost always ways to turn a negative into a positive.

And I can’t forget the value of taking a risk. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I took a big risk. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to, but it is a fine example to my friends, followers, and potential life goals coaching clients.

Sharing Is Caring

I want you to share this one to help those friends and family members of yours who have taken a risk and fallen on their face. Even successful people have events that go wrong. The important thing is how we deal with these setbacks that are a natural part of growing both personally and professionally.

I look forward to hearing your stories. I’m hoping you too can share about finding the good in a bad experience.

I do appreciate you and your following along on my journey. Knowing you are with me makes it so much easier on days when there is more rain than sunshine.

So, until next time. Thanks, God bless you, and take care out there, Max

4 thoughts on “What do you do when no one comes?”

  1. HI Max,
    I’ve had book signings at Barnes and Noble. with others in my critique group (Fellowship of the Quill) and at the first one, my friend came and purchased 4 or 5 copies of one of my books. But the second one, I think one of the writers (vision-impaired, he was no from my group) purchased one. I received a check months later. It’s difficult. I think our society has gone from brick and mortar to online or something. Plus, I don’t seem to draw their interest. They think my books are ONLY geared to vi individuals, which is far from the truth. Sometimes book signings are difficult, waiting for people to show up. I personally think it’s better to give a talk and then sign and sell your books after. Then it gives the listeners time to gauge an author’s personality. I’m typically more successful. I have a talk the Thursday evening, in fact! Hope it goes well. My talk is entitled, “6 Tips to Live Victoriously With Loss.” I give it to a book club / patrons. Thanks for sharing your story.
    Amy xx

  2. Love your attitude Max! Every time I’ve faced some huge fear – lack of sales, etc – I dig deeper, feel and let go the fear, and focus heavily on creating, connecting and diving more deeply into fears. These days if I feel a fear of lack creep up I meet 20 to 100 to 500 more folks. Works like a charm because it is introducing abundance into my life – again, LOL – and also shifts me from being addicted to any outcome.

    Thanks for sharing with us my friend….keep on inspiring!


    • Thanks Ryan; Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Really need to find that balance again. also seeking something great to happen soon. Not sure what it will be or where it will come from but it’s out there. Thanks for sharing your beliefs with me buddy, Max

  3. Hey Max,
    thanks for sharing!

    As usual your words are very inspiring, as well as, the practical lessons you share. I find the fact of this post being about a past event is powerful; learning from our mistakes and failures is a sure way to move ahead toward greater success.



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