The Blind Blogger is Profoundly effected by singing the River at end of Dreamcon

Hello again;


Today, I want to share just one experience from my time at Dreamcon in Swedesboro, New Jersey

It was an amazing week, and I will eventually share everything that happened either in future posts or in a future book about my first speaking tour.

But this one experience effected me all the way down to my toes. It even scared me a little, and you know I don’t get scared easily.

It has to do with an event that happened after the conference was over. And this is why it puzzles me and even unnerves me.


At the end of the day everyone was taking photos. There were group shots and selfies. I decided to ask them if I could sing before they put all the cameras away.

They all said sure, and joe arranged the recording. In fact on the video you can hear us sorting that out prior to me singing.

I sang the River by Garth Brooks. What else, its kind of my theme song. I usually sing it or Angels Among Us by Alabama in these moments.


So, I step in front of the banner for the event. I’m standing next to Travis Wolfe preparing to sing. And it happens.

I don’t know if it was nerves. I just know my whole body was taken over. My legs were wobbly, my stomach felt tight, my heart was beating rapidly, and I had that weird feeling in my throat you get when you are sick.

I don’t know if you can see it in the video, but Travis is having to help hold me up.

I had to actually concentrate on my breathing and think of the next word in the song and what notes to sing.

And it didn’t go away when I sat down. In fact whenever I talk about it or write about it those feelings come back. And a week later I’m still not sure what that was.

I know its the failing of us as human beings to try to figure everything out. Travis said Max just say thank God and be grateful. Eventually, I would do just that.

But for a day or more I had to try to figure it out.

The reason for this is that it made no sense. You see I’ve sung that same song dozens of times. I’ve sung it on live radio shows with audiences of 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, and more. I never got nervous. If this is what nerves are, I was never effected in this same way.

And I shouldn’t have been nervous. I was singing in front of the other speakers. This was a room full of authors, coaches, and speakers many of whom have even more powerful stories than my own. If there is anywhere I should have felt at home it should have been at that very moment.

As I am writing this post those same feelings are coming back to me. And I am starting to believe that is the message.

I wrote in my book Leading You Out of the Darkness that past successes helped me overcome the failure of our carnival business and the transition to being an amusement equipment broker and later an author, coach, and now speaker.

Well, now I have that one special moment. As I continue to progress along the path towards whoever it is I am meant to be I can always go back to that moment at Dreamcon. I can close my eyes and go back there. I can think Max I did something really scary and it all worked out.

The singing shouldn’t have been scary. It should have felt safe. But thank God I was effected. I feel my heart racing and my eyes tearing up as I write this.

Now that I’ve told you the story behind this video, I hope you enjoy watching and listening to it.

I also hope you will decide that hearing Max’s first ever public talk is worth $19.95.

Don’t forget that you also get the inspirational talks from seven other top motivational speakers. And the link is an affiliate link meaning that team Ivey will receive half the proceeds generated from this link.

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1st Book Signing

Well, this week I have another first on my list.

I’m having my first ever book signing at a place called Dog Ears Book Store in Buffalo, New York.

The owner told me that whether we have two people, 30, 50, or more; I still have to stay for the whole allotted time.

I told him that regardless of the turnout or sales made that it will still be an experience I will treasure.

Its important to decide to be happy, positive, or successful. Its even more important to know that if you look hard enough you can always find a positive.

Why I Shared This

This week was a great week, but it wasn’t without scary moments even if one of the other speakers commented that I looked like this was just another step on the path.

I wanted you to know that I had this terrifying exhilarating moment. I didn’t want to do you the disservice of making you believe that I was totally unaffected by an important first in my life.

Most importantly I wanted to be true to myself. I reminded myself of my goal of being honest with you. I totally respect the people who have followed and supported me and continue to do so.

I feel there are far too many “experts” who hide their real selves from their audiences. They present a perfect persona and tell you that you can be just like them if you follow their advice or purchase their course.

I share because continuing to be me a guy who shows up and does his best every day is the best way I know to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to do the same.

Your Turn

This is the part where I ask you to share. This week I want to hear one thing that you did that scared you. Or tell me about one thing you plan to do that scares you. Please include when you are scheduled to do it.

Perhaps you will consider writing a blog post about it for my site so that you too can inspire others. It isn’t just the big things that people need to hear about.

After all, I’m known for saying and believing that its the small steps that lead to the big leaps.

I look forward to hearing from you. I really treasure our relationship. And I couldn’t do this without you along on the journey.

Thanks and take care out there, Max

2 thoughts on “The Blind Blogger is Profoundly effected by singing the River at end of Dreamcon”

  1. Well done! Thanks for sharing that story! You didn’t look nervous. You simply launched into the song. So glad you included that in the post. I am going to speak this Saturday at a ladies outreach event at church and I am nervous because I am still preparing the talk. There will be over 200 women there and they are counting on me to have a an amazing talk. I don’t want to let anyone down. I was chosen to speak by my own Bible Study teacher and it pays more than I’ve been paid. I should have been practicing and have this down. But events surrounding the talk have overwhelmed me – my brother’s illness, new PR coach with tons of added work, and problems with my book. So I’m nervous. So, like you with your song, I shouldn’t be nervous because I’ve done tons of talks before and it’s only for half an hour. But I can’t sleep and am stressed about it. I don’t want to let anyone down.

    • Thanks for the compliment Amy; It’s one of the few times I really felt nervous. Maybe nervous isn’t the word. But I was certainly effected. So, how did your talk go? Were they as impressed as I know you had to be. Did you sell any books? And what are you going to do with the money? Can’t wait until I can say I’ve spoken in front of that many people. Great job, Max


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