Hello; Today, I am writing the first post for my new blog, and I’ll admit that I’m scared. This blog and most of the posts will be different than what I would do to promote the midway marketplace website. I’ve been scared before, and I always manage to find a way to move forward. In this case I had to remind myself that while the subject is different, it is still blogging which is writing. And I have always been a good writer. So, here we go.
You see, I never thought of myself as being an inspiration. I have always seen myself as just a guy working hard to support his family and build a life. Also, there are blind people out there who have done far more impressive things to me than running a business, having a blog, or doing youtube videos and google hangouts.
Luckilly for me I have a lot of good friends out there who have convinced me that what I am doing is special. I have heard it often that there ar so many people out there who have no physical or emotional difficulties that aren’t doing anything with their lives. I have decided that maybe the good Lord, the universe, or whatever you are comfortable calling it has more in store for me than being an amusement equipment reseller. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy helping people buy and sell their rides, games, inflatables, concessions machines, and other items. But I can believe that it isn’t the only thing I was meant for.
Through my work in the amusement industry I am known as Mr. Midway. My good friend Lorraine Reguly of Wording Well recently told me “you are Max first and for most not simply Mr. Midway”
My good friend Robin Hallett of robinhallett.com recently wrote this in a reply to my comment on her post Th abundance series part 1: How to stop pushing the abundance away “I always have the sense there is a greater purpose for you above selling amusement equipment. While I am never ever opposed to having a day job which supports our true calling, I do want to encourage you to begin to see that your true calling probably has a lot less to do with amusement park equipment, wink wink!”
My friends at The Brian the Hammer Jackson radio show Brian, Kelly, Carrie, and Ellen are very dear to me. And Brian has said on more than one occasion that whenever he doesn’t feel like working on his business; he just thinks about me. It feels good to hear this, and it makes me want to help motivate and inspire more people.
And I can’t forget my good friend Adrienne Smith of adriennesmith.net who was one of the first to tell her community and the net about the blind blogger Max Ivey.
So, I am now considering the possibility of doing coaching or mentoring as well as public speaking. I have gone so far as to offer myself as a coach on a free basis to the blind and visually impaired community. Doing this gives me a way of getting my feet wet. If I find out that I enjoy doing it, and if it turns out I have a talent for helping others; then I can worry about a website, fee rates, etc later. And as part of my Indiegogo campaign to raise money so I can take my youtube show about the amusement industry out on location I am offering private coaching and public speaking as two of my inducements for people to contribute.
Where did the idea come from?
This blog grew out of an exercise. A few weeks back I was feeling unmotivated myself. Since my friends had ben telling me I should share more of my story, I decided to see how much of my journey I could remember. It was more interesting than any of the jobs I needed to be doing, and it turned out to be fun. I was surprised by how much I was able to remember once I got started. The writing came much easier than I thought it would. It got me to thinking that maybe there is a book in me. As I wrote more I started thinking what am I going to do with it when I get it finished. So, I sent a few emails to publishers asking their opinion of my idea. I was told it probably isn’t marketable for most publishers, so I should expect to self publish. I know some people who have gone the self publishing route and done so very successfully. I then found out that posting parts of my story in a blog post doesn’t preclude me from later repackaging it and adding to it to turn it into a book. So, that’s what I have decided to do.
What to expect
Basically, I am going to tell my story. I’m not going to go back to my childhood. I’m going to start from about ten years ago when my transition began. I’m going to do my best to not only tell you what happened but how I was feeling about it at the time. I welcome you to call me out if you think I am not being honest enough or sharing enough. If people don’t get the whole story, then how can I expect them to want to listen to me. I will also be sharing new challenges, set backs, and victories.
Why the name
When choosing a name for the blog, I wanted it to be honest too. To me owning a business especially an online one means that you are constantly learning. You can never know it all. And if you ever think you do, something in the internet landscape will change bringing you new skills to learn. And the best bloggers and online business owners are also teachers. Obviously, this site was started to introduce myself to those who might need some help with their business or personal lives. I think the title says it all. I am a blind person sharing what I have learned about building a business and growing as a person. And I will be continuing to learn, grow, and improve. I expect to also learn from th people I help. And I hope you will follow along as I continue my journey.
Sharing is caring
I can’t end a post without asking you to comment on it or share it with your friends and family. However, I still have to install the sharing buttons. And I will also be looking into adding comment luv to this blog. So, for now I’d just appreciate it if you would tell people about the blog. And whether you post a comment or send me an email, I’m looking forward to your opinions of the new blog and my goals for it. I plan to tell my story. How well people respond to it will determine how far I go with it.
Thanks for reading this post. I know we are all busy, so your time is definitely appreciated. I also want to thank all my friends in the blogging community and on social media for all your love and support. You should know that I’m here for you if you need help with anything. I’m excited and still a bit scared about this process. Well, that’s it for now. Thanks and take care out there, Max
This is awesome Max. It sounds like you’ve certainly paid attention to the hints you have been getting to cast a wider net to share your inspiration. I really had to laugh when you said, you’re not going back to your childhood! Whew. But seriously, maybe some of your own inspiration happened during childhood so I do hope you won’t keep those moments secret from us.
Congratulations on the launch of this new blog! Waiting to hear more.
hi patricia; thanks for being the first to comment on the new blog. I had a feeling it would be someone from the BHB community. Well, I started writing this thinking it might be a book. So, I wanted readers to know what period of time I planned to cover. But you make a good point that some of the earlier events in my life may play into this part of my journey and how I have handled all the adversity. Thanks again and take care, Max
This is a good idea. Congrats on the new blog.
Hi Max,
Congratulations on taking this step outside of your normal pervue of carnivals, circus and midway rides. I think you have a story to tell that everyone should hear.
Regardless of the response you get from others, I would like to encourage you to tell your story for people to learn about you, and from your perspective.
Besides that, none of us are promised tomorrow. I got a call yesterday about a friend who is now in an induced coma and may not survive.
Go ahead. Tell you story. I think you have much to offer.
Kind Regards,
Hi Bill; Thanks for the encouragement. I would like to say I will keep up the writing even without an audience, but we both know it is far easier to keep writing when you know people are reading. So, its probably a blessing that I didn’t start this until after I was known in the blogging community through my posts about the amusement industry. This blog is already benefitting from all the hard work done and all the great relationships I’ve built. I have about 32 pages of material so far, so at least I shouldn’t struggle for content for a while. And who knows what is in the future I can write about Thanks again and take care, Max
Hi Jason; Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog and give me your opinion. I can always use the encouragement. Take care, Max
This is one of your best yet, Max. Absolutely tell your story. Everyone has one and if you write from your heart, people will listen and be drawn in. I am sure you will have many fans and followers before you know it. Stay in your blogging groups, that always helps, too!
Hi Laurie; thanks for the kind words. I started this as entertainment but it has turned out to be a lot more. and this is just the beginning. by the way its thanks to my blogging groups that I have already had four comments on this my first post. I know you remember your own early days with blogging. For me I had lots of posts that didn’t get one comment much less four. I still have more blog posts to visit. and the good news about my posting this link to the BHB group later than I wanted to means it will be seen all week. Thanks for the love, Max
Hi Max, not sure if it is an issue with my browser (IE11) but your train photo appears twice and over shadows the sidebar on the right cutting off your About Me section. As far as the content I think it is perfect.
Hi tim; first, thanks for the kind words about the new blog. Until you told me about the photos I didn’t know that there were two of them and that they were both photos of a train. As you can imagine that wasn’t the photo I wanted to go with. Although it could have been both a reference to my amusement equipment background and the little engine that could. Let me know if this is better? thanks again and take care out there, Max
Hi Max. Love the concept of the new blog as I think each has a clear mission while some content can comfortably overlap. The little engine certainly can and Im sure this endeavour will appeal both to your old friends and to a new readership who may not relate to the midway aspect. Keep it up !
Hi Paul; I hadn’t thought of that, but you are right this should allow me to have a clearer message for both blogs. And these posts will probably b more in line with reader’s existing experiences than the amusement industry blog is. thanks, already have several posts worth of material lined up. take care, Max
All the best to you with your new blog. Enjoy the journey.
Hi Michel; thanks for the reminder. I can use all the good will I can get. take care, max
Congratulation on this blog.
“Luckilly for me I have a lot of good friends out there who have convinced me that what I am doing is special.” Good for you that friends are supportive of what you do. It means better times ahead.
Hi there; thanks for your comment. I am blessed to have many good friends who have helped me to know how special i am. and i do feel good about the future. take care, max
I salute you Max for venturing as you have and casting aside your fears to achieve what you desire deep inside you. Interestingly my blog this week is about fear, I hope you will pop in as well. There will always be someone who does something more glamorous and praised than you but what matters is you and what you have done to those around you. Do not give up, just press on.
Hi thanks for the support. You are right i shouldn’t compare what I’ve don to anyone else. My accomplishments are impressive to those who know me and follow my exploits. i did check out your post and left a comment. thought you did a great job. hope to see you here regularly. thanks again and take care, Max
Wonderful idea to tell your story. And I’m impressed that you listened to the advice. So many folks get stuck in a comfortable rut and won’t step out. Congratulations for making the decision and I look forward to the posts.
Max, I think the best leaders and inspirational people are those who don’t set out to be. They simply are who they are, and they draw others to them. I’m glad you’re telling your story. Sure, there may be others who are better known or who seem to do more, but your story is unique to you, and people want to hear it.
Hi Jennifer; that makes a lot of sense. It reminds me of a line from star trek first contact when one of the characters is asked how do you become a great man. His answer was just be a man and history will take care of greatness. so, showing up working hard treating people the way you want to be treated are all things that make people want to hear my story. thanks for helping me to get it. take care, max
Hi Jacqui; thanks for the kind words. You are so right that it is very easy to find a comfortable place and stay there. besides more posts my next step is to create a page for coaching and speaking so people will think about hiring me. I also need to continue telling people about the new blog. So please share the link. thanks again for the encouragement and take care, Max
Max- This is a great idea. Congratulations on the new blog. I look forward to finding out more about you through your blog.
Hi Mina; Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad to hear people saying they are looking forward to more posts or learning more about me and my story. I look forward to reading your posts too. take care, Max
Hey Max,
Yep, I knew that a second blog would be very time consuming but I have a feeling you’re going to find this one much more enjoyable. Only because you will be helping a lot more people I believe. Not that you aren’t right now but it can continue here.
Just sharing your story and then helping those who really are pretty clueless is going to be an inspiration to you both.
I love hearing your story because you are definitely inspiring for us all. Thank you for the mention too but how can I not support such an amazing person who just happens to be my neighbor too! It’s going to be even more fun when we meet in person.
Great job Max and I know you’re going to get a lot of attention here.
Hey Adrienne; I know what you mean. I will be helping a different group of people with different problems. And in actuality I believe the people I will hopefully be helping with this blog will probably need it more. and I know you love me, but I still wanted to mention the people who helped me get to this point. I have already had several comments from people who got to know me through the midway’s blog. So, it seems that the two blogs may both help me to achieve my varying goals. Now, I need to get my first client or my first booking. But the main thing is to keep telling people about the new blog and writing more posts. I too am looking forward to meeting in person. got to support a fellow texan. thanks again my friend. xoxo max
You are a great inspiration Max. Hope, you will write more about your journey, the obstacles and how you overcome…
hi bindu; thanks for the encouragement. I visited your blog and it seems its about diy and crafting. would love to collaborate on some projects that the blind can do too. π take care, max
Max, I left a comment but it seemed to have disappeared. I have followed your posts since I joined BHB and have constantly been amazed at your courage and compassion. I know because of this you will be a huge success in your new venture and many will benefit from your knowledge.
I look forward to reading your posts as you take us on your journey.
Hi Lennie; no fear i have comments set to moderation. I thank you for your kind words. I will do my best to be as open as possible knowing that people will be learning from my experiences. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next too. thanks again and take care, Max
Hey Max,
Your life experiences and struggles can be inspire lot of people in different ways. So I would advice you to share your ideas and experiences often.
Hi Tuhin; thanks for the pep talk. I was thinking of posting once a week on thursday or friday unless something moves me to post more often. I still have to keep up the other website and blog. and i am still doing the wkly hangouts on wednesday nights. truth is I’ve been surprised by the response so far. You make the 15th person to contact in the couple of days since the post went live. so thanks again and take care, max
Max, I am so darn proud of you! Congratulations on taking a scary step. I know it’s hard to dip your foot into foreign waters. Being vulnerable is hard to do but many people like it. They appreciate honesty.
I wish you success in all of your endeavours! π
Hi Lorraine; thanks for the encouraging comment. I knew you would be proud of me. am proud of myself. and you are right as usual that people respond to honesty. I’m sure it has a little to do with establishing myself in the blogging community through my posts on the midway’s blog, but still I have received 17 comments on this my first post. I will have to remember our talks during your interview with me and push myself to b even more open with my thoughts and feelings on this blog. now if i could just get the image or widget problem sorted out. thanks again my friend and take care. xoxo max
Hey, you go Max! I’m going to be here routing along for you every step of the way! You are awesome and this blog is going to reflect it! Kudos to you
Hi Clair; Thanks for the enthusiastic endorsement. I have a good feeling about it too. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with the number of an supportiveness of the comments. I couldn’t find a link to your blog in your profile. could you please jog my memory. thanks so much and take care, Max
Your inspiration and dedication is going to make your blog a success, You have so much to offer and I can not wait to see more. π
Hi susan; thanks for your encouragement. I will do my best to make this a place of inspiration motivation happiness and positivity. take care, Max
Hi Max. Congratulations on the new venture! Your heart tells you when it is time to expand out of your comfort zone and good for you for following your instinct and going for it.
Hi Erica; you are right, i had to believe i was capable of inspiring people before I could tai this step. thanks to all my good friends telling me how much i inspire them i can see myself in this roll. so i had to start a new blog for it. I also need to add a contact me and hire me page to the blog. thanks so much and take care, Max
Max- It is great that you found direction of your compassion. As they say timing is everything. I remember when you first started out and look at where you are today. I wish you all the best and look forward to future blogs. Don’t forget to keep up the old one as their are still readers for it as well.
Hi Arleen; Thanks for the kind words. It did seem to b about time to start this second blog. It means more work, but I am keeping it simple for now using a free blogging platform instead of creating a whole other website. I do have to keep the midway going. I am working on a video and blog post about a park train i just added to the site. now that i know that my readers prefer the cute and cuddly rides to the scary thrill ones I’m trying to do that with my posts especially when video will be included. I still have to maintain the hangouts as well. I’m thinking of hiring someone to do a transcript of those for me in the near future. I realize I am going to have to be more creative about getting it all done now that i also have the blind student and teacher blog. what do you think of the name? as a marketing and product merchandising expert I would like to hear your thoughts. well thanks again and take care, Max
Max, I’m so excited for you, and I think this is an idea who’s time has definitely come. I love the idea of writing the blog, then someday packaging it into a book. I don’t care what the publishers say, I think people would love to read it. I love the name of the blog. I think it captures what you’re trying to do. And finally, I think coaching is brilliant. I think your experiences will be helpful to a lot of people, and I think it’s really cool to offer it for free, at least at first. So go for it, and I can’t wait to read everything you care to share with us!
Hi Meredith; Thanks so much for these heart felt comments. I have to admit that even though my friends have been telling me I should do this for a while, the out pouring of support in the comments has surprised me and made me more sure its the right decision. but then that’s what good friends like you are for. π The idea of coaching was mine, but it was adrienne who suggested I offer it for free to start with. She said I could find out if I enjoy doing it and if I’m good at it; and then I could charge for the service. She also suggested offering it to the blind community first which I did through face book and linked in groups. So far no takers, but like everything else; all in good time. I will do my best to follow from what I learned doing the interview with Lorraine and share as openly as possible. Thanks again and take care, Max
Max — I admire you for allowing us into your life. Whenever I read one of your posts, I know that you are speaking from the heart. You are so sincere and lacking in any pretensions. My very best wishes for your success in this endeavor.
Hi Jeannette; I am just blown away by this comment. when I write, I’m just trying to tell what happened. There are some who have told me I share too much including a couple of people I have sold rides for. And then there is Lorraine who challenged me to be even more open. This blog should bee a place where no one complains about me sharing. π I will do my best to live up to all your confidence and kind words. Thanks so much, Max
This is very inspiring. Congrats on taking the steps to move out of your comfort zone.
I’m glad you felt motivated to tell your story through this blog. I’m sure many people will find inspiration here. Thank you for sharing your life stories with us!
Heidi; thanks for your positive thoughts. I am still new to the whole idea of being an inspiration, but the response to the first post is very reassuring. I clicked your profile link, but didn’t find any posts to read or comment on. I’d love to hear about what you are doing. thanks again and take care, Max
Hi Niekka; thanks for the kind words. I read your latest post and found that you too have been stepping out of your comfort zone. I hope we can continue to share our adventures with each other. thanks so much for your support, max
Hi Max,
Thanks for stopping by my site!
I look forward to not only reading your inspirational posts but your future book!
So glad to be on the Peer Adviser team with you.
I, too, have gone out on a limb with my new book due out next month: http://amybovaird.com/mobility-matters/ (Not sure if this link is clickable).
So excited and look forward to sharing your journey as it unfolds on your blog.
Also, I used to work at an amusement park! =)
Hi Amy; so glad you came by. hope we will be neighbors online as well as cooperating on the pier advisory group. I don’t know why your link wasn’t clickable. I don’t have html blocked or anything. cool that you used to work at a park, but there was a time when almost every teen in america worked at them at one time or another. looking forward to your book. please email me the promotional information so i can help you give it a good push. take care, max
Hi Max,
Well, I’m very proud of you and what you’re doing. I can understand that you had not thought yourself that you are an inspiration to others, because it’s hard to see ourselves in this position at times, but let me tell you, you are, indeed.
So now you are going to have to two blogs and you are going to be so busy.
I’m sorry I haven’t visited you more often so far, it’s just tough to do it all for me right now. My days start at 6 AM, at times earlier and end by 11 or 12. At times all I want to do is take a break, not necessarily read another blog, even though I would want to.
So, anyway, congratulations, my friend. You are doing great!
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Hi Sylviane; so glad to see you here again my friend. There is no need to apologize. I understand that you are busy. It seems we are all so busy. π And yes the new blog isn’t going to help with that. If you are only going to read one blog, then this one is the one I would hope you follow. I just signed up with a weber and would appreciate your opinion on the sign up box and the welcome email. and i was sick for about three days this week and feel like I am running uphill myself. I have a few more comments to reply to and then I’m headed to bed. If there is anything I can do to help you out, just let me know. take care, Max
so so proud of you.
Just got in here from Enstine’s blog.
You are a true inspiration to many and yes I am ready to be an inspiration too π
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Hello; thanks for stopping by. I’m glad that I could inspire you to inspire others. any plans as to how you will go about it? would love to hear more about you. feel free to send me an email. and i visited your site and left a comment on the post about favorite cartoons. I noticed that you have subscribe to emails set as the default for comments. how is that working for you? do you get a lot of people who unsubscribe or don’t click the confirmation email? always happy to learn a new trick. and you can’t learn without asking questions. best of luck to you my new friend, Max