Most people see blindness as a bad thing. A disability. A curse. Something they’d not want to have.
But it’s not… not always!
What most people fail to realize is that there are actually some perks to being blind.
Seriously. According to a couple of blind people I know, there are!
If you don’t believe me, read on.
16 Benefits of Being Blind
1. You don’t get asked to help people move.
2. You don’t have to be the designated driver… ever.
3. You can read in the dark – if it’s in Braille.
4. You don’t have to buy light bulbs or have a night-light on your bedside table.
5. You save money on your Hydro bill.
6. You get special treatment or bonuses.
7. You don’t have to be the map-reader when travelling with friends on a road trip.
8. You can avoid looking at unpleasant things, like a gory accident, or something else that’s disgusting.
9. You’ll never get asked to paint or wallpaper a room during home renovations.
10. You’ll never get asked for directions.
11. When you ask for directions, most people will be friendlier.
12.You don’t have to decorate.
13. You save money when buying a smaller TV or phone, because all you really need is the sound, not a big screen.
14. You can’t see that spider on the wall. You know, the one that’s inching closer to you right now.
15. You can use your blindness as an excuse to get out of doing certain chores (even though you are perfectly capable of doing them yourself).
16. You don’t have to put up with dirty looks from others. How can you? You can’t see them!
More Blind Benefits
There are some benefits to having blind friends, too, and also some perks to dating a blind guy.
Benefits of Having a Blind Friend
You can roll your eyes as often as you want, and not be judged.
You can flip your friend the bird (give him/her the finger) when you get frustrated with him/her… and you can even laugh about it.
You can lie to his/her face about the new outfit he/she loves, even if you think it’s hideous.
Benefits of Dating a Blind Man
You never have to worry about a bad hair day, or wearing make-up.
Your socks don’t have to match.
You can walk around naked without being self-conscious.
You can pretend to be taller by wearing heels.
You can say you’re a blonde, even if you’re not. How’s he going to know?
Benefits of Dating a Blind Woman
They are pretty much the same as the benefits of dating a blind man, but when you date a blind woman, you don’t have to wait forever for her to fix her make-up or her hair, or try on 50 different outfits before she decides upon one that is simply “perfect.”
You also don’t have to wait for her to apply polish to her fingernails. She’ll have already had someone do it for her. (Of course, that person might be you!)
If you have a lot of pimples on your chest, you can play a game (or trick) on her. Just tell her you created a special love message in Braille for her, and see if she can decipher it!
You will never awaken to screams for you to kill a spider. (Unless she feels one crawling on her!)
My Personal Benefits of Having Blind Friends
Surprise, surprise, you are actually reading a guest post from Max’s editor and friend, Lorraine Reguly. (You might have known this already, but in case you didn’t I felt obligated to tell you now, as the rest of this post won’t make sense unless you are “in the know.”)
Now, let’s move on.
When I interviewed Max last year, I learned a lot about him.
Max introduced me to Kerry Kijewski, too, whom I also interviewed. Kerry is a blind blogger who loves to write and travel, and is known by two alternate names: The Insightful Wanderer and Her Headache.
Kerry has a blind brother, Brian, who wrote a song about the perks of being blind. You can listen to it on Soundcloud, at this link. Just ignore the ending… it’s not part of the song!
Through knowing Max and Kerry, I’ve learned that sighted people take A LOT for granted.
Max and Kerry, ironically, taught me to see. In fact, they inspired me so much that I wrote a poem about this experience. This is the biggest benefit I’ve gained from knowing them.
They also helped me with this post. (Thanks, you two!)
Feel free to get inspired yourself by reading My Blind Friends Taught Me To See.
You’ll be glad you did.
Please share this post. Like Max always says, “Sharing is caring!” Pin the image. Tell all your friends. Tweet about it. Share it on Facebook.
And feel free to drop either one of us a line in the comments, too. We’d both love to know if you enjoyed this post.
Can you think of any other perks to being blind? Feel free to answer, even if you’re a sighted person!

What a list. You guys didn’t tell me you were doing this post today. Big surprise.
hi Kerry; I didn’t know it either. Lorraine was going to post it on her site but she noticed that i hadn’t had a new post in a while; so she offered it to me. the truth is i’m still recovering from a malfunctioning cpap machine. hoping to get back on schedule with a lot of things including videos and new equipment listings on the other site too. glad you liked it and thanks for contributing to it. take care my friend, max
Kerry, everything seemed to happen so quickly yesterday when Max and I were working together on his book, making final decisions and preparing his book for print-readiness. I figured you’d like the suprise, though. I hope you did… and thanks again for helping me with this idea and list! 🙂
Did you like the final product?
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max and Lorraine,
WOW! What a great post. Love it and I appreciate your sense of humor, both of you!
I sure hope you get to feeling better soon Max! I just read Fabrizio’s post on your book and I remembered that I needed to check up on your site and see what’s going on over here.
S glad I did, I really needed that laugh!!!
Get well soon and I hope you are having a Happy New Year!!!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted…Meaning vs. Messaging: 2 Reasons Your Marketing is As Cold as The Weather?
hi don’ well i’ve been a bit behind lately, and so when lorraine offered me this guest post; i jumped at it. thought it would be a great funny post for the first one of the new year. and while people like reading my posts sometimes i think that i am a bit too focused too serious for my own good. i contributed to it along with kerry kijewski but lorraine wrote it and that is where the magic comes from. I’ve often told people that its true about everyone but even more so with blindness, when you can laugh about it then you have overcome it. man that’s a good line i got to remember that one. 🙂 i am feeling better every day. the problem with not getting enough oxygen or sleep at night is it is cumulative. you feel tired and heavy a lot of the time. its hard to keep up your exercise and more difficult to eat properly. when you don’t get your rest your body craves the wrong foods even more. i am now riding my stationary bike or as i call it the bike that doesn’t go anywhere every day. and i’m on schedule or close to it with the rest of my routine. gastric surgery doesn’t require you to be super regular but i like it better that way for my own good whenever possible. so glad to hear that you think about me. that’s one of the things about having a community. they support and encourage you when you are here and worry about you when you aren’t. thanks again and take care my friend. max ps how are you doing? how is the new year going? and I’ll be stopping by directly,
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Don. It’s great to see you over here!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope you had a great holiday season. Now let’s rock the blogosphere in 2015! 😉
I read Fabrizio’s post, too, and added it to the page on this site where Max has been seen online. What a list!
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
LOL …Oops!
I replied when I logged into Max’s account. That’s why his Gravatar pic showed up instead of mine! Sorry about that, and thanks again for your comment, Don.
If you missed it, be sure to read my “original” comment reply to you. 😉
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Deevra Norling
Thank you for including my brothers song in this post. It is good to have a sense of humor about these things. I can’t say I always do, but I try. Glad I could contribute to this in someway.
Kerry, if you can’t have a sense of humour in this life, then life is simply not worth living. Remember, laughter is the best medicine!
I know it’s tough for you to feel humorous, given all you’ve endured with not just your blindness, but your illness, too. I wish we could just be happy all the time, and not have to deal with such pain… and painful memories.
I think your brother’s outlook is great, and I was happy to include a link to his song! After all, that’s why I asked you for it! 😉
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Deevra Norling
hi kerry; yes it was good to have both of the kijewskis contribute to the post. be sure to thank your brother for me for letting us include it. and i’m happy to see you are doing better about laughing at life’s bumps whether they be caused by vision loss or just ordinary parts of everyone’s life. take care my friend. xoxo max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max and Lorraine,
Boy – I was surprised at the end of the post to read that the author was not Max. The author had me chuckling the whole way through. And you bring a new perspective to preconceived notions. That one about spiders is priceless!!
Neena recently posted…Is Your Email Newsletter Scaring Business Away?
Hi Neena. Nice to meet you on Max’s blog.
I am so glad you enjoyed the part about the spider. I think that’s one of my favourite parts about this post, too. 🙂
Having you think that Max was the author of this post is a true testament to my abilities as a ghostwriter (one of the services I offer on Wording Well). I appreciate that compliment very much!
Lorraine Reguly recently posted…“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Deevra Norling
Hi Neena; well, its not exactly the way most guest posts would be presented but it was a bit unusual to start with. most guest posts are written by one person and submitted to the blog owner. in this case me lorraine and kerry all contributed to it. i thought it was a great post and it reminded me to try to include more humor in my posts in the future. thanks, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
This had me laughing all the way through the list. Thanks for this guest post Max! Lorraine, it was terrific. I could so use the laugh today the humor is much appreciated.
Patricia Weber recently posted…Everyone Knows Someone Peculiar
Hi Pat; glad you liked the post. we can all use a little funny in our day. going to use this as a reminder to myself. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max and Lorraine, maybe I should add Kerry in there too. I’m not blind but get nauseous if I look up so I tell people that anything above eye level is not my problem, including spiders. If they see one they can just get rid of it. Saves a lot of headaches. You are a good ghostwriter Lorraine since I did think this was Max’ post. Max, I hope you will be feeling better soon.
hi lenie; yes this post has turned out to be advertising for lorraine as you are the second person who didn’t realize it was her until the end. this was fun. need to do more collaboration. 😉 i am feeling so much better. i knew what was happening but had to wait for the medical/insurance system to work through and get my cpap machine fixed. i feel stronger every day. when you realize i went without the breathing machine for about four months feeling this good after about two weeks is very encouraging. and i’m working on a post about doing it all or how we can’t or shouldn’t expect to. how have you been my friend. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
What a fun post. How could we get through life without a sense of humour. Both my husband and daughter might like number 14 – they hate spiders.
Donna Janke recently posted…Ancient Heart of Phoenix
hi donna; yes it was a fun post and i’m so lucky that lorraine offered to share it here on my site. i am willing to stomp on a bug if someone will help me to know where. 🙂 thanks for stopping by max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Another example of how a good sense of humor can make life easier; we could all do with a bit more these days.
Tim recently posted…Box Beetles of Death Valley
hi tim; i couldn’t agree with you more. lorraine has inspired me to make including humor in my posts a goal for 2015 and beyond. take care out there, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max and Lorraine
I was laughing the whole time. This post is great and has so much humour. I guess you are right that we take Blind people for granted and this post as funny as it is does prove that fact.
Thanks Lorraine for a wonderful post and thanks Max for making me LOL.
ikechi recently posted…The Most Common Excuses We Make to Avoid Working on Ourselves
Hi Ikechi; yes, i don’t usually make people laugh as much as they tell me they have on this guest post from lorraine. am going to work on this in the future. glad you enjoyed it, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
I’m glad you’re feeling better. You certainly have given us a humorous take on being blind although I suspect a blind girlfriend could be as bad or worse than a sighted girlfriend about having the right outfit. In fact my mind is already thinking of using this for a character in a novella I’m working on.
Hi Pat; Thanks so much for stopping by. I’ve spent many happy hours reading books downloaded from the national library services for the blind. so its fun to meet actual authors like you and kerry. if you are planning a character perhaps you and kerry could collaberate on something. I know she recently submitted a story to an anthology so perhaps she would be open to working on it with you. if there is anything i can do to help you with future visually impaired characters just email me. would be glad to help if i can. thanks again and take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
I loved these! Especially #14 and #15. What a great article, and a great way to think about walking in someone else’s shoes.
Meredith Wouters recently posted…Cranberry Orange Bread Pudding
hi meredith; glad you enjoyed the post. we all had fun coming up with the ideas for it. love that thought that this post helps others put themselves in the shoes of a blind person or a person with any kind of disability. it shows we are just people after all. and glad it made you laugh. thanks my friend, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
A fun read. It does of course make some of the things us sighted people do and worry about seem a little shallow.
Ken Dowell recently posted…Americans Discover Vacation: While Disparaging Tourists
hi ken; hadn’t thought of it that way but i can see the point. glad you did enjoy reading it. hope it makes more people think like you obviously have. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max and Lorraine, great post. You’re right, #14 is hilarious.
Kire Sdyor recently posted…Say Brother!
Hello; so glad we could make you laugh. too often as bloggers we focus on the subject or the message and forget to include the funny parts of life that make up the experiences that go into a good post. take care, max
“Itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout….”
Thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Heehee! It’s amazing how people don’t let their life’s challenges stop them from enjoying the treasures of the world.
Stay in the game, Maxwell!
Hello; thanks for visiting the site. glad we could make you laugh. everyone has someone or something in their lives that troubles them. the key is how we can learn to live with these struggles. take care, max
Terrific stuff Maxwell… love it.
Many years ago I read a list of ‘the benefits of being deaf’, written by a profoundly deaf man with a wicked sense of humour.
A couple I remember were – ‘you don’t have to get up to the baby’s crying in the middle of the night’, and – ‘in an argument, make your best point and then take your hearing aids out’, and – ‘you’re never kept awake by the neighbour’s loud music/wild party’.
Now I find another humorist to match. And deafness and blindness are called a dis-ability?
Hi Christine; Thanks for your reply. got a couple laughs out of it. made me think of something lou ferigno’s character the hulk said while playing himself in one particular episode i remember. he was on screen as himself the death body builder and there is chaos all around. one of the other characters asked how he kept his cool during it. he said simple i took out my hearing aids. thanks again, max
Thanks for the fun post Max. Life is so much better with a positive outlook. I like the never being asked to help people move. After just having gone thru that experience I would be grateful to not have to do that ever again! 🙂
Hi Susan; I kind of thought you would like that one. One time I had to move my own stuff by myself and that’s something i never want to do again either. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Thank you for this post. It brings back memories to me, as when I was a young child my father went blind because of cataracts.
I could see where some people might find this offensive. I saw my father go through stages of shock, denial and finally acceptance over his blindness.
He too use to joke about being blind, and once told me something that made so much sense. He said people would not be offended about making jokes about their jobs, or even spouses or family; because these things are part of life. And his blindness was part of his life. By accepting the reality of it, he was able to view it in a different perspective.
hi william; this is so great. i of course didn’t know you had gone through this with your father. but the post reflects my belief that if you can laugh at it you have probably overcome it. take care of yourself my friend, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
This was a nice post and I think that many points are raise to aware us as well. I like your humor.
You are right Lorraine, we take a lot of things for granted. I enjoyed all your posts about Kerry, Max and now this one. They are not only teaching you the meaning of life, but us as well. I really appreciate your help and support that your extended. May God bless you and Max I wish you all the best with your book. I am happy it’s going good. My prayers and best wishes on your way.
Thanks for a great share.
andleeb recently posted…Easy Potato Cutlet: #Recipe
hi andleeb; for the second time i have been reminded that this funny post has a message even if it was unintended that being to help people value and treasure their sight along with the rest of their health. yes lorraine has been a great supporter and now she also knows and is giving kerry a push. the community continues to grow and more people are helped. thanks so much, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Wonderful list written with a great sense of humour. Question, do you have a heightened sense of smell? Some studies say the blind do and yet others say it varies per person irrespective of sight. Thoughts?
Alice recently posted…Spotlight on my top 6 commenters
hello; i think for most people their sense of smell improves or does not depending upon how much they work at it or depend on it. My sense of smell is very poor but i went blind gradually over a period of many years. i think the improvement of other senses probably happens more with suddenly blinded people or those born blind. however, my hearing is especially good. of course this comes from having cautious parents who taught me the value of my hearing and convinced me not to risk it by spending large amounts of time around unusually loud noises like concerts or stereos. think the key is just like with any other physical feature people are all individuals. Just like there is no one representative of ethnic or racial groups there is no one blind person. thanks for the question. I love a good conversation. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
What an amusing post! Your observations delight as well as serve as inspirations for gratitude. I’m ashamed to admit that “my eyesight” doesn’t pop right into my head when I think of how I’ve been blessed. Thank you for reminding me.
Pamela Chollet recently posted…The A-Z Of Light Therapy For SAD
hi pamela; thanks for finding something in this post that i missed myself. I’m big on gratitude showing it and learning from it. and i didn’t recognize the lesson about gratitude for sight. thanks so much, max
Great post! I love the collaboration. So many people take things for granted. It’s always important to realize what we do have not what we don’t. Love the humor!
Hi Krystle; thanks for that. I enjoyed working with them. It was really a lot of fun. am now open to other collaberations. yes i’m realizing this is a gratitude post the more i read your wonderful comments. thanks and take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hi Max — I hadn’t received your blog in my inbox in a while and I wondered if I had dropped off your subscription list. Such a fun post. And I loved the surprise ending that it was Lorraine who had written it (with your help, of course). I admire you so much for your willingness to tackle new things, despite your being blind, like setting up your new website. I wouldn’t even think of trying that and I can see. Hope you are feeling better. Take care.
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…How You Can Build Your Business and Brand on LinkedIn
Hi Jeannette; sent you an email in reply to your resubscription. sorry about that. It is fun to try new things. And in the case of this post lorraine had the idea and brought it to me. I was just smart enough to realize i wanted it on my site. 🙂 and she also helped make the new site look a little more inviting. but i did start the new site and thankfully i have great friends like you who have supported me all the way.
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Well, Max, for some reason I slipped through the cracks on your subscription list so I’ve just re-subscribed!
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…How You Can Build Your Business and Brand on LinkedIn
Oh sweetie; I almost forgot. yes i am feeling better. still recovering from lack of sleep while the cpap machine wasn’t working right. it still needs to be moved up from 11 to 13 but at least its running at 11 instead of 5.5 now. and after a little over two weeks i’m starting to feel much better. still not back on schedule with my blog but am getting caught up on blog reading and commenting. I miss my friends. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
Hey Lorraine,
Good to see you here at Max’s and for helping him out. My first thought was only a blind person can say these things and get away with it and as I read on down I learned it was you. Hey, as long as they are okay with it then all is good right! LOL!!! They were pretty funny actually, especially 14. Yikes!!!
Max is the only blind friend that I have so it’s been a great experience getting to know him, his thoughts and feelings. I know since he’s been pretty much blind almost his entire life that this is normal for him. For those who have sight, we see this as a disability but although they can’t do things like drive, watch a movie, etc. doesn’t mean that there isn’t so much to life they still enjoy doing. They’ve just learned to do things differently that’s all. What an amazing attitude.
Thanks for sharing this with us and the laugh for the day. Loved it.
You guys have a great day and week okay.
Adrienne recently posted…2015 Is Officially Here; Are You Ready To Blog
hi adrienne; thanks for stopping by. I know you are really busy, but this just shows how much you believe in what you do and how well you support your friends. guess its a good thing no one realized it was lorraine until they got to the bottom. wonder if she planned that. I do know it was a big help having her post to get me going again. still not 100 percent but much better. I know what post I’m writing for tomorrow. and i recorded my first video in six months. I also recorded some audio files for my friends who like my voice. thanks again for your encouragement. You’re a great friend. and knowing you got a monday morning laugh out of it makes it even better. have a great weekend, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
I love this! What a great attitude and what a fabulous list!
Becoming SuperMommy recently posted…Someday, Maybe, To My Transgender Child
Hi Lea; i’m glad you did like it. i feel like once you can laugh at something you have overcome it. and the american foundation for the blind has a running post section devoted to finding the funny in moments of trying every day life. thanks for your comment. take care, max
What a fun post! You two are quite a team. It is so inspiring to see people who look on the bright side of things and offer up some humor. Max, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Beth Niebuhr recently posted…Kicking the Multitasking Habit
hi beth; glad we made you laugh. and i’m generally a positive upbeat person. i am feeling much better. i’ve been on the repaired machine for about three weeks now after using a malfunctioning one for over four months. just yesterday i recorded some full length versions of songs i have recorded for my youtube videos. i also posted a new video about a park train today. harleena says i sounded great and it would be good to hear more of me. here is the link to where you can download those audio files if you like. its on selz but its a free download. 0.000 dollars. 🙂 thanks for worrying about me my friend, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…16 Benefits of Being Blind — Number 14 is HILARIOUS!
That’s a pretty funny list.
Jason B recently posted…My Uber Experience
Hi Maxwell and Lorraine,
First time here but this cracked me up. I have always been grateful for my vision, but seeing these made me realize you have it quite good sometimes. 🙂 Hope you have a great day!
Bryan recently posted…The 4 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your SEO and Not Pay a Dime
hi brian; have been surprised by how many people say the post reminds them to appreciate and be grateful for their vision. that wasn’t the intention but a happy accident. glad i could do that. hope it also means people who read this will be making appointments with their eye doctor to make sure their vision is in good shape. there are many eye diseases that have to be tested for to avoid los of vision. blessings, max
I must have had a humorectomy, because my reaction to it was a little different from everybody else’s, apparently.
Hi Buddy; I actually read your post objectively, and you will notice that I haven’t deleted the link to it. Most web masters would have seen this as spam as the point to comment luv is you enter your url and then your latest post is automatically displayed. However, my point is that you wrote a great post. You gave me credit for my own achievements and then spotlighted the flaws you see in it. I should mention two things. One the post was written in fun. It was never intended to be a serious look at advantages and disadvantages of being blind. And since posting it I’ve had many people tell me that they will no longer omit their blind or otherwise apparently disabled friends when needing to move, getting directions, choosing colors, etc. I should also mention that I used to help move a 45 by 75 ft. roller coster 40 weeks out of the year so everyone in my family knows I can help move. They actually look for me first when heavy lifting is needed. They leave me out when fragile delicate items are involved. 🙂 I chose the colors for my website. They were exceedingly bright but lead to conversations rather than getting in the way of sales. I get your point. I’ll try to be more serious, you try to be a little less so? What do you say my friend? And don’t get down on twitter. Blogs need comments and twitter is one of the best ways to get them. After all would you have seen this post without twitter? Many blessings to you, Max
Howdy Max,
Yeah, I understand that posting a link would have the potential to be marked as spam, but I figured you probably didn’t want my really really long reply pasted into a comment. Not a lot else to be done for that, I guess.
While I understand that the post was meant to be humorous, the trouble is that people actually believe this stuff. Naturally, those of us and our friends who actually know better don’t, but the misconceptions are far too pervasive. In any case, I’m glad that in lots of cases, the post had its intended effect.
Buddy Brannan recently posted…Response to “16Benefits of Being Blind”
Hi Buddy; Well, here at my site we not only accept but encourage long comments. A lot of sites will even eat short comments thinking they are spam. I appreciate your concerns. I am thankful for your comment especially seeing how it came after the post was revived by being shared on twitter. This is something I have been doing using a plug in called revive old posts. Many of my posts are getting new likes, retweets, and comments thanks to this. After all, my audience on twitter has grown so much in the last year or so. Keep the great comments coming, Max
Woow greatly written post Lorraine !!
Thanks for this usefull info…
Thank you 🙂
yes Lorraine is a fountain of useful information and advice especially in the area of writing. thanks for your comment, Max
I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your
blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could
connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text
for only having one or 2 pictures. Maybe you could space it out
better? recently posted…
I recently updated the page to reduce the amount of text. However, I didn’t pay attention to amount of blank space. Now that I know it’s a problem, I’ll go back and check it. I understand that things that don’t bother me because I read with speech will bother people who read with their eyes. Sorry about any inconvenience, Max