a weekend in San Antonio a baby step towards more travel

Hello again;

Back in November I was invited to attend the Texas State Convention or Conference for the National Federation of the Blind in San Antonio. They were considering me as a mentor for visually impaired people wanting to be entrepreneurs but who don’t want to go into food service. They offered to arrange my transportation and cover my expenses, so I said yes.

I am not usually the spontaneous type, but I saw the opportunity and decided to go after it. I packed my good clothes into the only suit case I own. My good clothes consist of two shirts given to me by the people at Robert Graham Designs and a couple pair of casual slacks. I realized that I didn’t own any dress shoes but decided that at a meeting of blind and visually impaired people most wouldn’t notice. πŸ™‚

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My guest Debra Morgan shares her emotional and inspirational story for the first time

Hello again;

As many of you know I believe in keeping myself open to life’s opportunities. I had planned to have my intro video updated and posted by now, but I was fortunate enough to be able to give myself a new iphone as an early birthday present. πŸ™‚

It does have speech built in for blind users like me, but there is still a pretty steep learning curve.

Since I am behind schedule on my own work, I was thrilled when Deb approached me with a request to share her story.

Debra morgan

Debra is a subscriber to my weekly emails, and we have gotten to know each other a little bit. She doesn’t have a website or a blog yet, but that is yet another reason I want to encourage her. She is at that early stage where it is all new, confusing, and sometimes terrifying.

But once you read her story or the part of it she is sharing with us, you will know that this is one tough lady who can handle all the challenges of being a successful author. I also admire the fact that she is taking the steps she can as she can. So, grab your kleenex and prepare to be inspired.

Every child comes into this world with a clean slate, no wrong done to them , and none they have committed. As we age pain follows, and pain comes from what is put on that clean white canvas. Good is put there too, but mine was more like abstract art from a bad starving artist.

So pain is for looking back at and the future well, for me that was a very gray area. I didn’t expect to live long enough to worry about it. It didn’t start or end overnight and suffice it to say that from day one I was going to have a lot on my canvas.

There would come a time many years later when I would be able to look forward. But for now I would begin to slowly destroy everything in my way. So life continued in this circle of damage, thinking I was hurting everyone but myself , what lies we can tell ourselves. What’s worse we believe them.

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Taking my own advice and asking for help with my intro video

Hello again; I hope you are well. Today, instead of sharing wisdom, I’m here to ask for your opinions and suggestions.

While I know it takes time to establish a new business, and it has only been about eight months since I started offering coaching services; I still wonder if there is anything I could be doing to help bring myself to the attention of people needing my services. I want your help with my website.

Just like with my primary business site the midway marketplace I am always seeking ways to make my sites more appealing and engaging. I figure you can always find ways to improve. When I asked people what they thought of my new site, most said it wasn’t clear enough what my site was about.

The blind blogger homepage

Making my site’s message clearer

So, I went into the home page and added some text. I mentioned some of my accomplishments and told people that I believe that I can help them accomplish similar goals and dreams. I advised that life should be a thrill ride and suggested that it was time they bought a ticket.

Next, I recorded a video introducing myself. It starts with me singing the river by garth brooks. It is a very uplifting song in my mind, and it is becoming my unofficial theme song. Again I mentioned past successes and told people that I felt I was the ideal coach to help them walk their own path.

Then I shared all of this online. I was especially interested in getting feedback from people in groups focused on coaching and or marketing. And I got a lot of great responses. There were two suggestions I heard the most. One, break the video into three parts and have people click through from one to the next. And two, whatever I decided don’t take out the singing.

type of help needed

And that brings me to where you can help. I was encouraged to write out a script or at least a general outline of what would be in each of the three videos. I worked up some ideas and again asked for opinions. I got some great suggestions and have refined them even more. Now, I have three blocks of text I want you to review for me. I want help making them more powerful, persuasive, attention grabbing, whatever you call it. I want to make a better case for people hiring me to assist them on their journey.

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Didn’t expect holding my book in my hands would be such an awesome experience

Hello again;

Me with my book

When people told me that I would feel differently about my book when I finally held a copy of it in my hands, I honestly didn’t believe them. I thought the book was real when it was finally submitted to amazon and create space. And I only ordered some copies of it to have on hand in case someone wanted an autographed copy. I mean I put a link for how to buy a signed copy on the website, so I thought I aught to be ready.

Ordering my first batch of books

I had promised two copies to a couple of special ladies who helped in the process. I needed one for Lorraine Reguly my editor and another for Kelly Wooden who finally convinced me it was good enough. So, I placed an order for twelve copies thinking that ten plus the two i knew I needed sounded about right. πŸ™‚

I placed my order with create space. I was happy to find out that the process for ordering copies of my book wasn’t anywhere near as much trouble as submitting it had been. The form was long because it was my first time filling it out. But I could navigate all the fields. I never felt anxious that I would buy too many copies or have them go to the wrong address. Well, its something I often worry about when filling out online forms. But everything went well, and last weekend I got my books.

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Start to star challenge improving my videos and myself part 2

Hello again; I hope you have been well since my last post. Today, I’m going to update you on the conclusion to the start to star video challenge that I recently participated in.


I should have posted this last week, but I am still recovering from the ill effects of a malfunctioning cpap machine. I am feeling more energetic every day and hope to soon be back on schedule with my blog posts.


Last time I shared about week one of Holly Gillen’s start to star video challenge. I shared the videos I recorded each day as part of the event. And this time I have more short videos for you.


Just like last time I will include two links. The first one will be an embedded version that you can play without having to leave my site. The second will be a direct link to the youtube video.


Contest results


And now I guess you would like to know if I won or not. I did say that there was a free seat in Holly’s upcoming online course to the winner. Well, I didn’t win the contest. But if you have been folloiwng me long at all, you know I still feel like it was a success.

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