Live on the inside with Fabrizio Van Marciano 23 Successful Bloggers Reveal Their Most Effective Methods For Promoting A New Blog Post

Hello again; I’m really trying to stick to my goal of posting whenever I have a new guest post, blog interview, or appearance on a podcast, radio show, or lord willing a tv show. 🙂 Today, I’m writing about a round up post that i was blessed to be invited to contribute to. It was … Read more

My ice tray challenge the value of performing small acts of kindness

Hello again; I thought this would be the perfect time to share my thoughts on the power of small gestures. With the holidays coming there is so much pressure to throw the perfect party, find the perfect gift, or having the most beautifully decorated house. When it really comes down to doing little acts of … Read more

the power of small jestures

in this episode I talk about the importance of doing small every day acts for others as a way of making yourself feel better. I share some of my own small acts past and present. and i encourage people to find their own such random acts of kindness in their daily lives.

Michael Babcock interviews me on blab Continuing to push my comfort zone

Hello again; I know its been a while since you have heard from me. I haven’t been posting new articles, recording new videos, or releasing my email newsletter. I won’t go into the reasons behind it, but let me just say I apologize. I know that many of you find my work inspiring and depend … Read more

michael Babcoc interviewed me on his blab show

michael has been telling me about the benefits of using blab and periscope for a while now. he challenged me to give it a try. I had been resistant because there isn’t a laptop version of the app. and i tend to shy away from apps like this. but it was worth it. I find … Read more