using click to tweet adding google business pages and finding a pinterest work around

Hello again; Well, I hate to interrupt the posts about my past, but I thought I should share some of the recent challenges from my life while they are still clear in my mind and could be of some help to other bloggers. As many of you know I am always trying to improve myself, the business, or the websites. This week I learned about adding google business pages, included my first click to tweet, and came up with a work around for sharing to group boards on Pinterest.

me working at my kitchen table

Click to tweet step by step

I’m going to start with click to tweet because I had the most success with it. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this service, it is a way to offer your readers the option to tweet a predetermined snippet of text by clicking a button in the middle of your blog post. I did it last week for the first time. My effort wasn’t perfect, but I learned enough that I feel comfortable sharing my process in hopes it will make it easier for others.

If you want to see my finished example, you can go to last week’s post. Look for the please tweet this link about half way down. A couple of people used it, and one of them was kind enough to mention it in the comments section. So, I know it worked.

First, you have to come up with some text that you want your visitors to tweet. It can’t be an overly long statement because you still have to comply with twitter’s 140 character limit for tweets. I recommend you go to your twitter page to try out your text to make sure it will work. And as my friend Harleena said, be sure to include a hashtag so you can see all your tweets. Naturally, you won’t post the tweet, but you can see if it meets the character limit.

Next, you want to go to and copy your text phrase into the box where it says message you would like tweeted. and then press generate new link. And this is where I got confused. And I imagine I wasn’t the only one.

There are two options copy link or embed link. I tried using both of these methods. Copying the html code to my blog post worked but I could tell it wasn’t quite right. And after sending a screen shot to my friend Adrienne Smith, I found out for sure I had not done it right. She sent me the link code for my chosen phrase. I love Adrienne, and I appreciate her doing this especially on a sunday. But she either left something out, or I misunderstood her instructions. I did finally figure it out.

What you want to do is press the preview link. When you do that, you will get a screen from twitter as if you are posting the tweet. And if you go to the address bar at this point, you will find a really long url with your text as part of it separated by percent signs. You want to copy and paste that url into your post. Or if you are a html code type person, then you use that url in a link statement with click this as the linked text.

So, you created your text, ran it through click to tweet, grabbed the url from there, and added it to your blog post. You are good to go now. So, to conclude I thought I would add an example.

My text will be “If a blind man can use click to tweet, why aren’t you using it too?#mistermidway ”

Here is the url that was generated when I clicked test link.

And here is the result.
If a blind man can use click to tweet, then why aren’t you using it too? Please tweet this?

Bonus tip

If you click that link, you will notice a url is included in my tweet. Now, I don’t know of a way to get the url for a post until after its live, so there ar two ways you could get this done. One would be to leave the click to tweet phrase out until after you press publish and then add it in later. However, I decided to include the click to tweet with my site url and then repeat the process with the post url after pressing publish. I will have to track to see if the extra effort is worth it. I will let you know what I find out. If you try adding url’s to them, then please let me know how well they work for you. But just imagine how many people will be automatically sharing your site or post link. The more compelling the text, the higher the number of shares you should receive.

Credit where credit is due

I can’t continue this post without giving credit to three people who have done earlier posts on this subject. I don’t know who did it first, but I will mention them in the order that makes sense to me. The first time I heard about using click to tweet was in a post written last year by Adrienne Smith. In there she referenced a post by Ana Hoffman but mentioned that Ana’s version might be a little more difficult. And then while checking google, I found a post about this from Lorraine Reguly. After reading all of them, I determined that Adrienne’s method was the simplest. And its hers along with a couple steps added that I am sharing here.

A happy accident

Next, I want to talk about creating a google business page. I didn’t start out to do this. I don’t honestly know when or how I did it. All I know is somehow I did, and last week I ended up on my google business page for mister midway instead of my main google plus profile page. I thought I had lost all the people in my circles. I will admit to doing the chicken little and asking people online how to get them all back. ๐Ÿ™‚ I finally realized where I was. But I was only able to get back to my main profile by clicking the link from my website. But google business pages are something I’m thinking more of us should do. I mean we are all wanting to establish our brand or expand it. And while a google url is nice you are pretty much limited to your name. A google plus business page can have any name you want to give to it. You can even have separate pages for each location of a business. I now have two such pages one for mister midway and the other for the blind blogger.

Your business pages can have all the same types of information and links as your main profile. And you can participate in all the same activities through them such as sharing content, adding people to circles, and doing google hangouts. I may have gotten here accidentally, but now that I am here; I plan to take advantage of my mistake. I am gradually moving people from circles in my main profile to circles on one or the other of the business pages. When someone adds me to their circle, I am selecting the page to add them to based on which I think they are most likely to be interested in. For a while it will mean having duplicate posts. But I figure I can manage this by staggering them. I hear there is even a term for it. They call it time zone posting. The goal is to share posts with groups of people who are most likely to want to read them and then leave a comment or share with their friends. It will mean more work, but I hope it will also mean better results from future google plus shares.

Sharing posts to Pinterest group boards

A while back I wrote a post about my experience using Pinterest. For the most part what I wrote is still working. The one area where I have had trouble is in posting to group boards. I love supporting my friends by sharing their posts or videos. I will often share content on my main board as well as on several group boards. This used to be simple. I would click the board I wanted, click add a pin, select add from computer or add from a website, add the description, and click pin. However, Pinterest recently started upgrading their system. Now, when sharing a pin using a website url it doesn’t automatically select the right boards. Instead it uses the board of my most recent pin. And there is no easy way to select a different board using my current version of the apple operating system.

I could upgrade to mavric. The cost is minimal, but I cringe every time I think of doing it myself. I worry about all the images, documents, videos, and email addresses I have stored on my laptop. My plan is to wait until I can upgrade to a new solid state hard drive and then have the geniuses at the apple store do a clean install on it and then move all my existing software and data over to it for me. I know this makes me a whoos but its how I feel about it. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, I had to find a work around. Here is what I am doing for the time being. I am mentioning it because I am hoping my friends will help make it easier for me to share their posts on Pinterest. As long as I use pin from computer Pinterest will automatically post the pin to the board I have selected. But that means having an image on my laptop. In order to do that, I will have to find a photo from your post or blog and temporarily copy it to my computer. Once I am through posting, I will delete it. Now, I know images are people’s property, so I don’t know how many people will be comfortable with me doing this. But if you do want your posts pinned, and you don’t mind me borrowing an image to do so; then here is what I need. I need for people to include an alt text tag on their images so I can find them and know something about what the image is. And if you could let me know by email or some accompanying text on your site that it is okay to share the image under certain circumstances that would be greatly appreciated.

It seems like more often than not that my most frequent road blocks come from using social media sites with a screen reader. Its not that these sites are any less accessible than average, but these sites are changed more often. To give an example it would be like rearranging the furniture in your house daily even though you know you have a blind or elderly person living with you who depends on the couch, chairs, end tables, etc being where they were yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚ Each time a site changes you have to find new tricks for accessing the same information. And occasionally there will be an update that there is no work around for. In these cases you simply have to ask for help or wait until the site’s designers make their next round of improvements. This recently happened when google changed the look of their circles and made them where a screen reader user cannot tell which circle they are adding to, deleting from, or switching to. I hope people don’t take this as simple complaining. I just thought that since this post is all about using social media that maybe people would want me to share some of why I wrote the post.

Sharing is caring

I want to thank you for reading my posts. I have been humbled by the response to the new blog. I have also been surprised by how many people appreciate my honest open posts. So, if you also like this one; then I hope you will leave a comment and or share it with your friends, family, or coworkers. I can’t offer people the links they would get from a comment luv enabled blog. I plan to install that wonderful plug in on the site, but I want to relocate it to a self hosted word press site first. I do plan to continue visiting the blogs of commenters and reading at least one post and leaving a comments as my way of showing my appreciation.

I love hearing from my readers. So, if you have a question or just want to get to know me; please drop me a line through the contact form. Your questions may lead to a post. For example a couple of friends have asked about me sharing how I compose my posts. I plan to address that soon. Thanks again for supporting me in my journey. Take care out there, Max

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43 thoughts on “using click to tweet adding google business pages and finding a pinterest work around”

  1. I don’t use Pinterest because I don’t think it will work for my business as I have over 20000 products. I do tweet and love the fact that the twitter account automatically shortens the url. After I get that shortened url I use on Facebook and Google+ . Great picture of you Max.

    • Hi Arleen; Thanks for your comment. I haven’t had much luck with adding photos to this new blog. It seems like they are either too large or too small. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is my most recent photo. I’ve been told the smile looks a little forced. I must admit that I’m still getting used to having my picture taken. With the weight loss and dental work, I’m getting more opportunities to have my photo taken. My biggest problem is knowing how to smile and figuring out where to put my hands. You get so used to holding a cane or someone’s arm, and then you don’t know what to do with your hands in a photo. I agree with you on twitter and link shortening. and we all have to decide which networks to use or ignore. Pinterest does generate traffic that helps my site ranking, but It doesn’t generate much in the way of actual sales. I don’t spend a lot of time on it outside of posting my items and sharing other people’s posts. thanks again and take care, Max

  2. Hi Max,

    Congratulations on your new blog….I guess it started while I was away on my little vacation, though I’m glad I’m here now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Loved all that you shared, and your picture looks awesome – nice and clear too. I did try the click to tweet, but it meant adding an extra plugin, so was wanting a code, which I think my husband managed to find, not too sure about that. But when I clicked your link above, it opens in this same page, so perhaps you’d have to adjust it to open onto a new page. Also, your Twitter handle perhaps you have to add, or else the tweet would go into Twitterland and you wouldn’t know of it – small tweaks you can make to better it I guess ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yes, it’s a good move to make a business page, and I’ve now started sharing everyone’s post on the business page, while my personal profile has more of quotes, and a little from here and there, just to keep a variety of things going.

    I wasn’t able to follow about Pinterest as I’ve never had problems with it, nor ever needed to download an image and then pin it. If you visit their official site, they have a Pin It button that you can add as a bookmarklet, so when you want to pin anyone’s post, just press that pin it button and it opens a page with images you could choose from to pin on the board of your choice. Let me know if you have any problem trying it this ways as I always use this for pinning anyone’s post – like I would just be pinning your post onto one of my boards using the same, though with your image as that’s the only one on this page.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hi Harleena; Yes it all started while you were gone. I finally had enough people tell me how important it was for me to share my story that I believed it myself and took the plunge. So far the posts have been very well received. I added my hashtag to the click to tweet and gave you credit for suggesting it. After all the blog is about learning and teaching so why can’t I do both in the same post? ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you are also using the business pages. I was starting to feel like I had stuck my foot in it. The couple of people who had commented about it thought it was something I didn’t have to do. And if I had made the choice consciously, I probably wouldn’t have done it. But I have gotten a new email address for the blog so i can set up a separate fb and twitter profile for the blind blogger. And I’m sorry the Pinterest issue seems to be confusing people. If i use the pin it button, then it pins to my main page which is a board for amusement equipment. What I’m talking about here is pinning to one of the other group boards that I am a member of. There is no easy way for me to change boards from whatever board the system sends me to when I try to pin from the web. I can easily select the board I want if I pin from my computer. So, if I grab an image from your site or your post along with the url to the post; I can post them as if they are my own. I did it with a post from robin hallett last week and it worked fine. Pinterest says they are working on it, but I am sure its not a top priority as a lot of people outside of the company wonder why the blind would want to use it in the first place. Well, at least be sure to add descriptions to your pins my friend. Take care, Max

  3. Harleena is right. You need to add your handle and get your Tweet to open in a new page. Plus, you should shorten the message because Twitter only gives you so much room. 140 characters, to be exact. But you ideally want to only use about 120 in total, so that when your Tweet gets Re-Tweeted, there is room for Twitter to add the initials RT to it, as well as the handle of the person who is doing the Re-Tweeting.

    But hey, excellent attempt for your first try!

    That’s the thing about blogging… you are always going to learn how to be better at it. And for a blind guy, you are doing a bang-up job so far!

    Your titles also need to be shorter, Max. Sorry to tell you, but someone has to! Ideally, you want them to be about five to seven words. When people share your posts on Twitter (not using the Click to Tweet but the regular Twitter button) there has to be room for the post title, the url, and your handle.

    Yeah, lots to learn, my friend. But you’re doing well. Keep plugging away at the technical stuff. You’ll learn eventually. I have faith in you. It’s rough. I know. I have been there, done that, many a time. So I know it’s frustrating as heck. But persevere. It’ll be worth it when you get that “Aha” moment. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh, and get rid of that darn Captcha on the comments. It’s annoying! No one uses Captchas anymore. Not the cool bloggers, anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • okay i appreciate the encouragement. first, i have comment moderation turned off, so there shouldn’t be a captcha at all. and my first three posts the titles seemed to short. ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe i should have just called it click to tweet google plus Pinterest oh my? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I just edited the click to tweet thanks to a comment from harleena so it should be working right now. And when i went to CTT to edit it i found that 57 people had used it. would have known that if had included my hashtag. by the way when you going back to work. I am hoping to move this blog and or need an editor soon. have fun on vacation, Max

    • Max, each time I comment, there is a Captcha, sorry to tell you, but it’s true.

      Yes, that would have been a better title.

      When you move your blog, let me know. I’m available pretty much any time, as I work in the evenings and at night, and with the release of my ebook, I have a lot to do. So I’m on the computer several times per week even though I’m sort of “on vacation.”

      Email me. I’ll reply to you when I see it. I promise. But don’t ask me to move your blog! That’s not something I know how to do.

      If there is no Captcha on this comment, I will let you know. But so far there is, so you might want to get someone to check that for you…

      Oh, there is a Captcha. I’m editing this comment right now to tell you that there is one for sure.

    • well, I will have to look into removing the captcha. as a blind computer user I can assure you that I wouldn’t have put one on there intentionally. I may have incorrectly assumed that no moderation equals no captcha. I have been reading through the procedures for transferring a site and believe I can manage it myself. I edited the click to tweet example to be shorter and include my hashtag. according to CTT it had ben used 61 times. I hope the book is doing well. take care, max

  4. Hi Max – Thanks for the info – I printed it off and will put it with the pile of things I still need to learn. This sharing of info is one of the best benefits of BHB.
    By the way, nice picture.

    • Hi Lenie; I have to be honest and admit i had to go back and add to it. You need to include your hashtag so you can see all the activity from your click to tweet. And you want to keep the whole thing under 120 characters. I agree the BHB group is amazing for learning about blogging. Looking forward to your next post. Take care, Max

  5. Max, your tone of voice (or how we hear it from your writing) is so welcoming! Thank you for teaching Click to Tweet in such a human way. Good luck with your Pinterest issues.

    • Thanks Leora; I’m glad you like my writing style. I generally just try to make it sound good to my own ears. My technical writing could be better, but its the way I do it; and I don’t see myself changing it much at this point in my life. Occasionally I will hire an editor if a post calls for it. Lorraine Reguly has done this for me, and I highly recommend her if you have ever thought of having a post professionally edited. I hope Pinterest will fix the problem. But until they do, I do have a way to live with it. I hope you won’t mind me grabbing your image to share your post on there. Thanks again and take care, Max

    • Hi Tim; well, we all have to decide which networks we are going to be on and how often we will participate in them. I imagine that your travels are perfect for Pinterest but but I have run a site from the road before; so I know how difficult it can be keeping up with things like social media posts given the quality of internet access you are most likely used to. And I only travelled in the u s. Don’t stress over it. Be safe my friend, Max

  6. Max, great tutorials! It seems like social media is constantly changing. It’s frustrating to me to learn new systems, just when I get the old ones down. Your moving furniture analogy is spot on. (And I didn’t think you were complaining.)

    I have been wondering about the alt text on pictures. I’ve been playing around with where I put descriptions, so next I will try the alt text box. I know my blog is very dependent on the visuals, which is part of the nature of art and design, but I never want to exclude anyone who is interested, so it’s very helpful to me to hear these things from you. Thanks again for sharing.

    • Hi Meredith; The fact that you want to include everyone makes you a good person and a better blogger. I appreciate photo descriptions whether they are in the alt tag or come before or after the actual image. If the photo is also a link, then the alt tag is the only way people like me can Know if there is something there and what we are supposed to do with it. And I am starting to realize that sighted people are just as frustrated with the ever changing nature of social media sites like face book. I mention them because they are the worst offender. I think the difference is that sighted people can adapt to the relentless changes more easily. Looking forward to continuing to learn and grow together. Take care my friend, Max

  7. Hi Max,
    I love that you`re sharing what you’re learning as you grow. I use clicktotweet and Pinterest upon occasion. What you can do in clicktotweet is put in your quote or whatever you wish to say, open another tab and use any link shortener for the path of your post, (which is the name of your slug,) and shorten it. Put that short link in with your message and clickto tweet will give you a shortcode to embed in your blog.

    Kind Regards,

    • Hey Bill I actually had that step included in the first draft, but then I found out that click to tweet will shorten your external link for you. I’m thinking of putting that step back in because I like bitly’s tracking tools better. This post has turned out to be one of my favorites because I have literally been learning even after I pressed published and updating it as better information comes in. Thanks friend, Max

  8. If you don’t have all of us tweeting your clicktotweet in this post, shame us! Great post Max. I’m on Pinterest although I don’t use it often. Still, SOME of the pics that are shared there are incredibly awesome.

    • Hi Patricia; got a big smile out of your comment. Turns out a lot of people have used it according to click to tweet, but I didn’t know it because my first version of that phrase didn’t have my hashtag in it. Since I do most of my social media work through email notifications, failing to add the hashtag meant the system had no way to alert me that people were using the CTT phrase. Thanks again you are a good friend. xoxo max

    • Hi Jeri; well you can do it the way I did or you can use a word press plug in. this just turned out to be easier for me once I got the hang of it. I tend to have trouble installing a lot of plug ins using speech. This was simpler for me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click to tweet is supposed to be good for generating traffic, so glad I could prompt you to take the step. good luck, max

  9. Hey Max,

    I finally made it by to comment on this post.

    Thanks so much for the mention. I’m sorry, I thought you just needed me to look at the code and not explain everything else since I thought you had that somewhat figured out. My bad!

    You can get the URL of your post before it’s published but of course the link won’t be live until then. Of course you are in blogger now doing this but you definitely can in WordPress.

    I use the click to tweet coding instead of their website due to the fact I don’t want to deal with broken links down the road. You just never know. Either way you did great and I’ve loaded it up to tweet out too.

    I don’t have a Google page, just a profile so that’s not something I’m that interested in learning about but I’m thrilled for you my friend.

    I’m also thrilled that you’re doing so well with Pinterest. Yay!!!

    Here you are helping others out. Way to go Max.

    Great job and look forward to your next post. Have a great rest of your week.


    • hi adrienne; well, I think that maybe I should have postponed this post until I had it down as much as I claimed to. I understand what you are saying about the potential for broken links. I will go back and look at your post again so i can make up the code like you do. I didn’t plan to have the google pages, and maybe it will turn out to be a mistake; but once done I decided to go with it. Its not as easy to add people back who have added you. I don’t know how much Pinterest helps me sell equipment, but I do enjoy using it. And I seem to have a lot of followers. Even the board for blind entrepreneurs has about 250 followers so far. It does feel good to share with people especially when everyone says how much they have learned. Just glad you liked the post Adrienne. You are one of the people whose opinion means the most to me. take care sweetie, Max

    • thanks susan; i never get tired of hearing things like this. and the fact that you continue to post so frequently on such a wide range of topics while managing the chaos in your combined houses is inspiring to me. take care, max

  10. I enjoyed reading about your various social media adventures – learning tips and tricks to boost your site. I’ll be referring back to this post as I continue to do the same!

    Oh, and I have a MacBook Pro with a solid state drive and LOVE it! I’ve always been an Apple girl, but this SSD I have is so fast. Definitely worth the investment and time to transfer to a new machine. If you do regular back-ups, transferring shouldn’t be much of an issue. And yes, the fine folks at the Apple store would be able to do it too!
    Pamela Heady recently posted…Peach and Jalapeรฑo BBQ SauceMy Profile

    • Hi Pamela; I’m glad to see you here on my site. I just figure if I figured it out, then I should save others the time and trouble. That plus the simple way I describe things seems to resonate with people. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Take care, Max

    • Hi Carl; thanks for stopping by. I believe you are another one of our bloggers helping bloggers community on linked in? I have tried hootsuite and buffer but wasn’t happy with either. Hootsuite locked up the screen reader on my laptop. and buffer just isn’t intuitive to me. this is why i try to have as many sharing buttons on my site as possible. they are there to help people share, but they are mostly there to make it easier for me to share. as a blind computer user its easier to click the buttons and have the site open where I enter my additional comments and press enter. glad you liked click to tweet. I’m not sure I will be using it every week, but I was happy that I could figure out how and then share that with my readers. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on my next post. Thanks again and take care, max

    • Hi Eve; You don’t know how good it makes me feel to hear that something I shared is working. I do believe that like any other tool it can be overused and appear forced. But that is where the judgement and instinct of the writer come into play. We should really talk to see if maybe there are some projects or ideas we could collaborate on. thanks again and take care my new friend. xoxo max

  11. Leora made a great point when she said your tone of voice was so welcoming. You come across like an old friend in your posts and that makes it a nice, restful experience for your readers. Even when you are talking about stuff I don’t know anything about, whether it’s a ride I’ve never heard of or social media tips , I don’t get lost in the technical details.
    Debra Yearwood recently posted…Synchronicity, both beautiful and challengingMy Profile

    • Hi Debra; Thanks for stopping by. I thought so too. But it all depends on the market you are trying to break into. It is still a mostly boys club that believes in doing business face to face. And as a rule they don’t believe in spending money freely. I have adjusted some. I now offer a lower percentage if it is someone who is listing multiple items. I have also started offering the option of adding a banner ad to their listing for $50. for the run of the ad. I need to record a video about the submission process and why people should list with me. I really should have done that a long time ago, but I only started doing videos at all back in december of last year. It would be great if I had some products I could offer where customers paid x amount per download or purchase to supplement income from sales commissions. thanks again and take care, Max

    • Thanks Debra; And I’m sorry I forgot to thank Leora for her kind words. Basically, I try to remember how confused I was before i figured something out and retell it the way I learned it. And when it comes to the rides, I know most of my readers don’t know much beyond the joy or terror they invoke; so I work extra hard to avoid jargon or to explain it if i do use unfamiliar words. Recently, I submitted a post for review by the members of the AFB, American Foundation for the Blind’s, pier advisory group. They sent it back saying that a lot of the blind people reading it wouldn’t know about some of the social media or online marketing terms I’ve used. so I guess we all need to remember to keep it simple and friendly. You are a good friend. Take care, Max
      maxwell ivey recently posted…First listings first big sale and first hard lessonsMy Profile

  12. I started my twitter and facebook accounts at the same time. I’ve since pretty much left my twitter account and am putting all my energy into facebook. Thank you for your article as it started me thinking of twitter again. I am new on pinterest but am enjoying it and feel like it will work for me in the long run. I have the pin-it toolbar or app so I don’t have to type in the url to get a pin and I find that much more convenient. I do still have to choose a board which I imagine will get more tiresome as I get more boards. Thanks for the tips!

    • Hi Erica; I’m glad you liked the post and hope it does help you at some point. The part where you select a board is my problem. There is no easy way for me to select a different board when using the pin from the web. I have several boards that I may want to share a post to, so the way I mentioned in the post is the only quick and easy way for me to do this. I have down graded my efforts on face book since their decision to start charging for you to broadcast your posts to all of your friends. I now have to post to multiple groups to make sure people are seeing my posts. And so it really helps if you are connecting with real friends or making solid connections with new followers. the people who do see an update have to share it even more now for you to get seen on fb. Hoping growth in google plus linked in and twitter will help change face book’s mind on this one. thanks for the comment and take care, Max

  13. Hi Max,

    WOW!!! You changed your website design and also uploaded your photo as well. I like this very much. More personal. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You know I used to have a Google Business Page but I deleted it and I am just using my Google Profile and that’s about it.

    As far as Pinterest is concerned, this is also include in my big plans for the year 2014. I am using Pinterest more and more now. I’ve heard that shares on Pinterest last for months. Unlike Facebook they only keep your share for a short time. So yeah…I am going to hook more with Pinterest.

    Have a nice evening…

    Angela McCall recently posted…Video Blogging Challenge 18 | Meetup: Best Place for NetworkingMy Profile

    • Hi Angela; well, I think for most people adding business pages is unnecessary. I did it by accident to start with. but then I got to thinking that my two sites have such drastically different niches that it is probably a good idea to keep them separate. I’m thinking of keeping my twitter account together but making a small change. I’ve noticed people with a primary name that also have one or more additional twitter at whatever in their profile. so i’m thinking of changing my twitter to maxwell ivey and then adding mistermidway and theblindblogger to that. And I couldn’t agree more with you favoring Pinterest over face book. not only do your pins last longer and get better results but you know everyone on your stream has the opportunity to see them. I believe face book’s decision to charge for sending your updates to all your friends is short sighted and will only push more business people and even the casual users into the arms of twitter linked in and google plus. have a great year, Max

  14. Hi Max
    Thanks for the info on setting up the tweets.
    I’ve been seeing that around, didn’t know how to get it done, and didn’t really know anybody to ask. (or then, was that my pride?)
    Mike Mahaffey
    Mike Mahaffey recently posted…ChangesMy Profile

    • hi mike; well, it could have ben your pride. It also could have been those people who know not being willing to share. as part of this post I googled the question and only found a handful of posts about how to do it. I have since been sent a video that shows how to do it without using a third party site. This is supposed to b better because it means that if the site goes away you won’t end up with broken links. I’ll let you know how it turns out. thanks for sharing, Max


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